Human efforts [are] cumulative, something in every effort [is] preserved and added to the whole. — Fifty Degrees Below Zero, Kim Stanley Robinson (1952-)
This week’s qualities are Aplomb and Fortified. They have in common a certain poise.
You may be wrong. Take that as a given. But more likely you are right in at least some respects. But if your convictions are sincere, genuine, & noble, then your truth need not fear insightful and honest critical examination. It is also a given that we are free to update our beliefs.
Definitions: (1) imperturbable self-possession; poise; (2) complete and certain composure; self-confidence
Definitions: (1) possessing physical strength, courage, or endurance; invigorated; (2) one with staunch mental or moral strength; undaunted
Familial Quality: mettlesome
Tip: When you don’t feel loved or loving, or even if you do, take stock of your positive qualities; you’ll feel stronger and better able to continue.