Positive Qualities: Auspicious & Fitting

We change the outcome of our future through the choices we make in each moment of the present. — The Dead Sea Scrolls (ca 100 AD)

Is it Fitting that any of us call ourselves Auspicious? I have read that progress is the watchword of the universe. We will always be moving from our current accomplishments, our present state of completion, to a greater state of being. Some of the keys to such growth is in the definitions and derivations of this interesting word symbol.



Definitions: (1) a high-minded attitude; (2) a promise of good fortune; encouraging activity; prosperous opportunity

Derivation: Sanskrit, “kind,” “gracious”

Synonyms: advantageous, favorable, lucky, propitious, successful

Theological Figure: Shiva {The Auspicious One} [the “transformer” of the Hindu Trimurti]


Definitions: (1) suitable or appropriate; proper or becoming; (2) to be in harmony or accord; belonging <I plan on fitting in at my new school.>

Synonyms: adequate, apposite, apt, competent, conformable, congruous, expedient, seemly

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