Positive Qualities: Bold & Prominent


Courage, Character, and Loyalty — Little League Baseball’s Motto, 1939

There are times when “Fate favors the fearless.” Of course, a Bold action should still be preceded by imagination, vision, and planning. All things in their order. Successful brave action will usually result in some form of Prominence, but also will kind patience, dogged persistence, and many other roads.



Definition: distinguished above others; eminent; widely and favorably known; important


Definitions: (1) showing or requiring a fearless, daring spirit; planned with courage and zest; (2) brave; intrepid; confident; (3) showing great liberty of style or expression; very free in behavior or manner; unconventional

Synonyms: adventurous, audacious, dauntless, forward, high-spirited, stouthearted, valiant

Symbol: youth

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