Positive Qualities: Bountiful & Openhanded


The social pathology, existential vacuum, and meaninglessness experienced by contemporary society is the result of intrinsic values starvation, Being-value deficiency. Transpersonal values command adoration, celebration, and reverence. They are worth living and dying for. Contemplating and becoming one of these values gives the greatest sense of worth and joy that human beings can experience. — Spiritual Psychology, Meredith Sprunger, Minister

From whence comes the Bountiful? The source is Openhanded. Nonetheless, we are required to seek – and in seeking an ever-expanding universe is progressively revealed.



Definitions: (1) generous in bestowing gifts or favors; munificent; (2) abundant; plentiful


Definition: generous; liberal; munificent

Symbol: the removal of the right glove

Consider the Source

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