Positive Qualities – Coordinated & Bright


Simplify your life. Balance needs with wants and harmonize inner and outer well‑being.Steps Toward Inner Peace, Peace Pilgrim
A fusion of Coordinated effort (internal &/or external) leads to a Bright and more efficient end. We have the great gift of free will choice at our disposal. It is up to us to use it with wisdom. Practice (that is learning from both our successes and failures) makes growth possible.
Definitions: (1) the ability to balance physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of the self for a positive goal; (2) human cooperation combined in harmonious action; (3) able to use more than one set of muscle movements to a single end
Definitions: (1) shining in attitude, demeanor, or spirit; (2) radiant with happiness or good fortune; (3) cheerful and lively; pleasant; (4) giving promise of prosperity; favorable; auspicious <a bright outlook>; (5) having a sparkling personality; resplendent with charms; animated; (6) displaying an active, clever, or intelligent mind; discerning; keen‑witted; quick‑witted
Derivation: Sanskrit, “to shine”
Synonyms: brilliant, clear, gleaming, glittering, limpid, luminous, lustrous, pellucid, radiant, resplendent, sunny, witty
Color: yellow
Mythological Figure: Aglaia is one of the three Graces of Greek mythology, the Grace of Brilliance.
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