Positive Qualities – Dynamic & Tidy


Dear Folks,
We acquire virtue just like we acquire crafts, you learn to build by building. — Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) Philosopher
At first blush, Dynamic and Tidy seem to be disparate qualities. But, after reading the definitions, maybe one could ‘exhibit organized power in motion” while cleaning out the refrigerator, or producing a ‘fair solution to a problem of growth.’
Definitions: (1) exhibiting power in motion; involving or causing energy; (2) active; vigorous; forceful; (3) relating to or tending toward change or growth
Color: pure red
Symbol: the ocean

Definitions: (1) in good order; neat; (2) organized; systematic; methodical; (3) precise and appropriate <especially in manner and dress for a particular occasion>; (4) an acceptable and fair solution to a problem
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