Positive Qualities: Eager & Versatile


I will do my best to be honest; to be fair; to help where I am needed; to be cheerful; to be friendly and considerate; to be a sister to other Girl Scouts; to respect authority; to use resources wisely; to protect and improve the world around me and to show respect for myself and others through my words and actions. — The Girl Scouts’ Law, 1915

What should we use our energy for? We are Eager to acquire many things. This is fine, but we would be better served with a more complex and Versatile approach — also desire to give, to learn, and to love & be loved.



Definition: (1) keen or enthusiastic desire <especially to be helpful>; (2) interested in supporting others; (3) longing with anticipation; expectant

Derivation: Latin, “keen,” “sharp”

Synonyms: earnest, fervent, fervid, intense, vehement, zealous

Quote: Expect your every need to be met, expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level, expect to grow spiritually. — Eileen Caddy (1917-2006) English, Co-founder of Findhorn


Definitions: (1) competent in many things; (2) turning with ease from one thing to another; many-sided; (3) having or capable of many uses or applications

Quote: In the long run, fancier [in nature] lasts longer since versatility is a virtue. — William H. Calvin (1913 – ) The River That Runs Uphill

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