Positive Qualities – Even-tempered & Fraternal


Dear Folks,
The purpose of life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whomever is around to be loved.The Sirens of Titan, Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007) Author
I find it hard to think before I say something. It is a lifelong quest of mine to think before I speak. The ideal of being Even-tempered requires a continual decision to remember the people I am dealing with are my brothers and sister in the most Fraternal sense. Progress is only made with some effort.
Definition: placid; calm; not quickly angered, excited, or disturbed
Tip: Count to ten when you feel anger beginning to rise. It’s an old trick but it works if you have good intentions.
Definitions: (1) relating to or involving brothers; (2) refers <in a generic sense> to the familial connection between all people, male and female; friendly; (3) characterizes one who gives special attention or favor to individuals because they are family or are as close as family.
Symbol: the garland {Fellowship}
Consider the Source

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