Positive Qualities – Extraordinary & Humble


Who wills, can.
Who tries, does.
Who loves, lives.

Dragon Flight, Anne McCaffrey (1926-2011) Author

This is a good example of how qualities work together for the greatest good. A person who thinks themselves extra Extraordinary will hold themselves above others. But add a good measure of Humility and they will see themselves from a higher perspective.



Definition: going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary

Derivation: It is interesting that this word is made by combining two words that by themselves would not be considered anything out of the ordinary: extra and ordinary. Put them together, add a personality, and you do get someone truly special.


Definitions: (1) modest or meek in temperament; free from pride or vanity; (2) respectful

Synonyms: unassuming, unobtrusive, unpretentious

Familial Quality: humor

Lay first the foundation of humility. — Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430) Roman Theologian

The sage has no interest of his own, but takes the interests of the people as his own. He is kind to the kind; he is also kind to the unkind: for Virtue is kind. He is faithful to the faithful; he is also faithful to the unfaithful: for Virtue is faithful. — Lao-tse (6th Century bc) Chinese Theologian

We humbly ask God (as we understand the concept) to remove our shortcomings. — Number seven of the Alcoholics Anonymous twelve‑step program.

Observation: One of the opposites of humility is conceit. And, of course, adding humility to your character traits will greatly reduce negative arrogance. But how to acquire humility. A sure fire way to gain humility is to see yourself in relation to a greater reality. This could be God or nature or even physics. But it has to be someone or something you respect and cannot help but be very impressed with. Once a person sees themselves in a larger context they will have the ability (and maybe the will) to see themselves as they truly are.

Symbol: shoes

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