Positive Qualities: Farsighted & Captivating


To be what we are and to become what we are capable of becoming is the only end of life. — Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) Author

Many of us believe the future holds new and wondrous things, clearer ideas, and more profound understanding of ideals. Some think it will be more of the same in a different form. If your vision is Farsighted, you may be able to share your more Captivating dream and make a better future.



Definition: (1) having foresight and good judgment; sagacious; (2) planning prudently for the future; (3) able to take the long view, prospicient

A pilot who sees into the distance will not let his ship capsize. — Amenemope (c. 1100 bc) The Wisdom of Amenemope 26:15-16

The long run is possible only if we consistently take care of the short run. — William H. Calvin (1939 – ) The River That Flows Uphill

Comment: Sometimes you can see farther into the future than others. The farther you see, the greater the difficulty in bridging the gap with your contemporaries. The problem then is that you have no company in your vision. Or worse yet, you are sanctioned because you are politically incorrect. Consider Galileo, who lived in the times of the inquisition. He dared to agree with Copernicus that the sun, and not the earth, was the center of the solar system. Galileo faced the torture of the rack and decided to disavow his “blasphemous” claim. He lived out the rest of his life under house arrest. New ideas can be dangerous to established creeds.

Symbol: a telescope


Definitions: (1) able to effect intense attraction <as by beauty or some other charming positive quality>; enthralling; (2) holding full attention; fascinating

Synonyms: bewitching, enchanting, entrancing

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