Positive Qualities: Focused & Listener


Read between the lines.
Talk slowly but think quickly.
Don’t believe all that you hear.
Silence is sometimes the best answer.
Never interrupt when you are being flattered.
Remember the 3 R’s: respect for self; respect of others; responsibility for your actions.
     –Author Unknown

There are a whole range of things we should Focus our attention on. Listening accurately is one of the most important. First concentrate on it; repeat as often as you can remember to do so; and eventually you will make a habit of it. Listening is complicated. Read the suggestions above and know each person delivers information differently. We also receive it differently, so when you speak (write, do a piece of art, etc.) you must also take into consideration how they understand.



Definitions: (1) brought into the center of attention; (2) intently fixed on one object or purpose; concentrated; (3) cooperation with or by a group on a particular activity

Compatible Qualities: determined, motivated

Parental Qualities: disciplined, joyful

Familial Qualities: attentive, thorough

This feeling of “becoming” the experience is made possible by connecting more fully and feeling the experience on a more intimate level. — Terry Orlick, Ph.D. (1948 – ) Positive Living Skills, Joy and Focus for Everyone


Definition: a person who hears what is said; one who pays careful attention to everything <but especially to people>

Comment: A good listener understands not only the words but also the meaning and intent of the speaker. A good listener hears with thoughtful attentiveness because the other person is worthy of respect. A good listener will also try to remember what was said hoping to incorporate the best of it in their own realm of reason.
Consider the Source

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