Dear Folks,
Share everything. Play fair. Don’t hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don’t take things that aren’t yours. Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your hands before you eat. Flush. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. Live a balanced life. Learn some, and think some and draw and plan and sing and dance and play and work every day some. — Robert Fulghum (1937-) Elementary Solutions
Life is not inherently Fair. It is up to each of us to bring that quality into it. Some things and values have been given to us by the gifts of nature and grace, others we have the privilege of creating within the flow of subjective reality. Often it is difficult, and yet just as often if we just Relax and trust, the answers will come to mind.
Definitions: (1) all sides treating each other impartially; just; equitable; (2) pleasing to the eye or mind <especially because of fresh, charming, or flawless traits>; lovely; beautiful; attractive; (3) free from anything which might impair the appearance, quality, or character; clean; pure; (4) pleasant and courteous; civilSynonyms: candid, clear, frank, honest, open, reasonable, unprejudiced
Comment: Every circumstance cannot be fair, but if all parties enter a situation with an attitude of fairness, they will have a better chance of ending up with a satisfactory outcome for all. Take into consideration not only a concern for your interests, but also a healthy concern for the other person’s interests.
Share everything. Play fair. Don’t hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don’t take things that aren’t yours. Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your hands before you eat. Flush. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. Live a balanced life. Learn some, and think some and draw and plan and sing and dance and play and work every day some. — Robert Fulghum (1937-) Elementary Solutions
Life is not inherently Fair. It is up to each of us to bring that quality into it. Some things and values have been given to us by the gifts of nature and grace, others we have the privilege of creating within the flow of subjective reality. Often it is difficult, and yet just as often if we just Relax and trust, the answers will come to mind.
Definitions: (1) all sides treating each other impartially; just; equitable; (2) pleasing to the eye or mind <especially because of fresh, charming, or flawless traits>; lovely; beautiful; attractive; (3) free from anything which might impair the appearance, quality, or character; clean; pure; (4) pleasant and courteous; civilSynonyms: candid, clear, frank, honest, open, reasonable, unprejudiced
Comment: Every circumstance cannot be fair, but if all parties enter a situation with an attitude of fairness, they will have a better chance of ending up with a satisfactory outcome for all. Take into consideration not only a concern for your interests, but also a healthy concern for the other person’s interests.
Definitions: (1) possessing an easy manner; informal; (2) free from or relieved of tension or anxiety
Too Far: lax, lazy
Saying: En pantoufles (French): “In slippers” [at ease, informal]
The Quick Crisis Escape
There are situations in which you find yourself overloaded. You are tense, uncomfortable, and wishing you could just be someplace else, or at least in a more relaxed state, but you can’t. It could be a test at school, an important game, or a half dozen people have to have their report done right now. Neither your fight nor flight mechanisms are appropriate. The only thing left is flow. You don’t have time for your usual, tried and true relaxation method, but you’ve just got to cool out.
Here’s what you do. First, you don’t get anything for free. There is some preparation necessary. So you condition yourself to be momentarily, and quickly, transported to a special inner place of peace and strength. While you are there, you trigger an intensely positive, and thus relaxing, experience focused into a few very powerful moments. It is best to use a real historical event in a very exceptional place. When you do have the time, enhance the experience to keep it fresh with regular practice. As you re‑experience this wonderfully uplifting place, you are creating an “energy gem” – a feeling you can release with full clarity and force on a designated clue. This gem is packed with sharp, familiar information encompassing all six of senses. The more complete your inner experience, the more intense will be its release.
It is important the external environment of your special place be very satisfactory, but also it must include a rich internal landscape. Feel your true and most valuable qualities. And, depending upon the situation, incorporate a prime quality that would be just right to infuse into the environment at hand. You know your wants and desires. You know when you are comfortable and happy. Use these criteria as friends. Bring them back with you into even the most difficult situations.
Connect the release to a common physical and socially acceptable action, such as rubbing your eyes or the back of your neck, stretching, or a few deep breaths. It is best if you can close your eyes for at least a few seconds, to close down all external information and release the internal experience into your being. This is no luxurious soak; it is a sudden wave. Your body, mind, and spirit will be fooled into staying where you have just been. The people around you need not know you just took a delightful and powerful little trip.
Things To Help Relaxation:
• Cuddles
• Massage
• Flotation
• Laughter
• Hot water
• Being in a safe situation
• A diversion – something familiar
• A diversion – something different
• Being with somebody you like and are comfortable with
Colors: blue, turquoise, violet
Consider the Source
Too Far: lax, lazy
Saying: En pantoufles (French): “In slippers” [at ease, informal]
The Quick Crisis Escape
There are situations in which you find yourself overloaded. You are tense, uncomfortable, and wishing you could just be someplace else, or at least in a more relaxed state, but you can’t. It could be a test at school, an important game, or a half dozen people have to have their report done right now. Neither your fight nor flight mechanisms are appropriate. The only thing left is flow. You don’t have time for your usual, tried and true relaxation method, but you’ve just got to cool out.
Here’s what you do. First, you don’t get anything for free. There is some preparation necessary. So you condition yourself to be momentarily, and quickly, transported to a special inner place of peace and strength. While you are there, you trigger an intensely positive, and thus relaxing, experience focused into a few very powerful moments. It is best to use a real historical event in a very exceptional place. When you do have the time, enhance the experience to keep it fresh with regular practice. As you re‑experience this wonderfully uplifting place, you are creating an “energy gem” – a feeling you can release with full clarity and force on a designated clue. This gem is packed with sharp, familiar information encompassing all six of senses. The more complete your inner experience, the more intense will be its release.
It is important the external environment of your special place be very satisfactory, but also it must include a rich internal landscape. Feel your true and most valuable qualities. And, depending upon the situation, incorporate a prime quality that would be just right to infuse into the environment at hand. You know your wants and desires. You know when you are comfortable and happy. Use these criteria as friends. Bring them back with you into even the most difficult situations.
Connect the release to a common physical and socially acceptable action, such as rubbing your eyes or the back of your neck, stretching, or a few deep breaths. It is best if you can close your eyes for at least a few seconds, to close down all external information and release the internal experience into your being. This is no luxurious soak; it is a sudden wave. Your body, mind, and spirit will be fooled into staying where you have just been. The people around you need not know you just took a delightful and powerful little trip.
Things To Help Relaxation:
• Cuddles
• Massage
• Flotation
• Laughter
• Hot water
• Being in a safe situation
• A diversion – something familiar
• A diversion – something different
• Being with somebody you like and are comfortable with
Colors: blue, turquoise, violet
Consider the Source