Positive Qualities – Gentle & Affable

Dear Folks,
The Fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance — Paul of Tarsus (c. 5-67) The Bible, Galatians 5:22
As the seasons change from the harsh days of winter to the Gentle days of spring, we have a physical reminder to approach life and others in an Affable manner.

Definitions: (1) refined or polite; (2) generous; kind; (3) serene; patient; (4) mild; moderate
Synonyms: meek, pacific, peaceful, placid, quiet, soft
Balancing Qualities: determined, strong
Saying: Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re (Latin): “Gently in manner, strongly in deed”
Comment: We associate gentleness with the sense of touch; but even though we cannot physically touch most people, we can touch their hearts with the kindness of a smile, touch their minds with an encouraging word, or touch their funny bones with a sense of humor.
Symbol: the unicorn {Gentleness and Longevity} (Chinese)
Definitions: (1) easy to approach and talk to; courteous; (2) having effortless manners; gracious; (3) having a kindly countenance; benign
Synonyms: accessible, civil, complaisant, friendly, mild, polite, urbane
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