Positive Qualities – Jolly & Svelte

Dear Folks,
The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve but a reality to experience.Dune, Frank Patrick Herbert (1920-1986) Author
Many qualities are multidimensional; that is, able to be expressed on the physical, mental, and/or spiritual levels. But no matter on which level they appear, they also move comfortably within the other two. Your body may no longer be Svelte but your mind and soul can be. Your mood may not be Jolly at this moment, but your heart can still feel the joy of life.
Definitions: (1) full of life and mirth; jovial; lively; (2) expressing, inspiring, or exciting frivolity and gaiety; (3) cheerfully festive; (4) delightful; charming
Synonyms: gay, joyous, merry, sportive, sprightly
Definition: slender and graceful; lithe; possessing clean lines; sleek
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