Positive Qualities – Lofty & Huggable


Dear Folks,
Meaning is something that takes you from a thing to a value. To answer the question, “What is the meaning of life?” you have first to answers the question, “What is the value of life?” — Dr. Chris Halvorson, (1960 – ) Physicist
Lofty is in need of friends. He likes other qualities to join in to keep him humble. When he is getting too high to reach the ground, he asks a child for a Hug. When he touches the sublime, he feels he should meet someone and share the light. He is aware that he must speak the truth in such a way that it can be heard.
Definitions: (1) elevated in character, quality, or condition; sublime; exalted; (2) noble in sentiment or diction; eminent; dignified
Derivation: Old Norse, “air,” “heaven”
Synonyms: high, proud, stately
Balancing Quality: humble
Too Far: conceited
Symbol: winged sandals
Definition: inviting a close embrace; cuddly
How to Live This Quality Today: Hug someone.
Hugging is healthy: It helps the body’s immune system. It cures depression. It reduces stress. It induces sleep. It’s invigorating. It’s rejuvenating. It has no unpleasant side effects. Hugging is nothing less than a miracle drug. — Author Unknown
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