Positive Qualities – Plainspoken & Pacifistic

Dear Folks,
What we dwell upon we help bring into manifestation.Steps Toward Inner Peace, Peace  Pilgrim (1908-1981) Pacifist
A Plainspoken person always has to listen with the ears of the other person or people. It is possible for you to be Pacifistic even though the majority of humankind still believes aggression is not only an option but one of the first to be taken.
Definitions: (1) talking with clear, frank openness; candid; (2) communicating with simple, unreserved sincerity
Definitions: (1) characterizes one who opposes war and the military solution; one who proposes all disputes be settled by arbitration; (2) nonviolent; peaceable
Balancing Qualities: humor, luck, strength
Compatible Qualities: compromising, courage, moral conviction, objective, patience
Familial Quality: Satyagraha (Sanskrit): literally “insistence on truth” or “truth force” [pressure for social and political reform through friendly passive resistance]
People Who Exemplify This Quality:
Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948) Political and Ideological Leader of India
The Quakers: The Religious Society of Friends
Inspiration: Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) at the age of fifty experienced a religious conversion to the Gospel of Peace and lived his last thirty years preaching the ethic of nonviolence.
Comment: To make political pacifism work there must be unity, loyalty, daring, and mutual respect.
Advice: Remember there is personal pacifism and political pacifism. Do not castigate yourself if you are not Gandhi with his combination of personal and political aplomb. Your personal belief, that might does not make right, is laudable. Do what you can in your daily life to live peaceably.
Bibliography: The true story of effective nonviolent resistance to Nazism. The townspeople sheltered, and saved the lives of, many hundreds of Jews even though the penalty was deportation or death.
— Philip P. Hallie (1922-1994) Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed: The Story of The Village of Le Chambon and How Goodness Happened There

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