Positive Qualities: Prestigious & Technical


All the great things are simple, and can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope. — Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill ( 1874 – 1965 ) Statesman

Prestige is usually a quality bestowed on one by others. But it begins with self-respect. If you are living up to your highest ideals, you will be worthy of the respect of others. Technically one must have a reasonably wide repertoire of qualities and they must be in harmony, then others will recognize you as worthy of this honor.



Definition: having a fine reputation based on brilliance of achievement; respected; esteemed; honored


Definitions: (1) having to do with the practical, industrial, or mechanical arts; (2) showing technique <a technical skill>; (3) concerned with the applied and computer sciences

Balancing Quality: intuitive

The following table, “Man versus Machine,” is from Human Engineering Guide for Equipment Designers by Wesley E. Woodson and Donald W. Conover.

• Detection of certain forms of very low energy levels
• Sensitivity to an extremely wide variety of stimuli
• Perceiving patterns and making generalizations about them
• Detecting signals in high noise levels
• Storing large amounts of information for long periods
• Recalling relevant facts at appropriate moments
• Ability to exercise judgment where events cannot be completely defined
• Improvising and adopting flexible procedures and alternate solutions
• Ability to react to unexpected low-probability events
• Inductive reasoning
• Ability to profit from experience and alter a course of action
• Ability to perform fine manipulation, especially where misalignment appears unexpectedly
• Ability to continue to perform even when overloaded
• Original problem solving

• Monitoring people and machines
• Performing routine, repetitive, or very precise operations
• Responding very quickly to control signals
• Exerting great force, smoothly and precisely
• Storing and recalling large amounts of information in short time periods
• Perform complex and rapid computation with high accuracy
• Sensitive to infrared, radio waves, et cetera, beyond the human range
• Able to do many different things at one time
• Deductive processes
• Insensitivity to extraneous factors
• Rapid, continuous, and/or precise repetition of operations the same way over a long period
• Operating in environments which are hostile or beyond human tolerance

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