Positive Qualities – Resourceful & Guiding


Dear Folks,
Whatever you are fascinated with, you want to create more of. — Avinash, Teacher
Your Guiding system is what you believe to be of value. You will use all of your Resourceful focus to pursue it. Distractions abound, but life presents us with a myriad of ideas, people, and situations to gain experience. Keep your choices on the lofty side.
Definition: able to deal skillfully and promptly with new situations or old difficulties; clever in finding assets; ingenious at discovering new uses for the materials at hand; inventive
Derivation: Old French, “to rise again”
Definition: being in a leading position because of intimate knowledge of the way and of all its difficulties; conducting; directing
Compatible Quality: charismatic
Familial Qualities: confidence, leadership
Legendary Figure: Nestor, a wise king in Greece, the chief advisor during the siege of Troy
Mythological Figure: Mentor was a friend and tutor of Odysseus. Athena sometimes took his form as an advisor; a mentor, thus, is a wise and trusted counselor.
Consider the Source

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