Positive Qualities – Sheltering & Self-contained


Dear Folks,
As a man thinks within himself, so he is.The Bible, Proverbs 23:7, Solomon
There are some qualities society expects you to have (although, only at a minimum level) and there are qualities you strive to garner for yourself. What would you put on your personal list of essential Self-contained qualities? Would Sheltering be one of them?
Definition: (1) protecting or defending <especially a loved one> from danger, violence, injury, annoyance, or attack; (2) securing or rendering safe; harboring
Derivation: Middle English, “bodyguard”
Symbols: 1) a roof; 2) a house
Definitions: (1) having within oneself all necessary qualities; self‑possessed; (2) functioning independently; self‑sufficient; (3) formal and reserved in manner
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