Positive Qualities – Stout & Precious


In a real sense we become what we love and trust. Stages of Faith, Dr. James W. Fowler, Author
It is always a difficult thing for the mind to hold opposites in the mind at the same time. Liberal and conservative, justice and mercy, Stout and gentle are some examples. Nonetheless, we have the ability. If one is left and the other right, the key to harmonizing is to add the third, higher, dimension – go up. Recognizing the Precious values in each side will give us a solid foundation for compromise and enlightenment.
Have a peaceful Thanksgiving,
Definitions: (1) strong; sturdy; robust; able‑bodied; (2) bold; intrepid; valiant; brave; courageous; (3) resolute; fortitude; dauntless; (4) powerful; forceful
Synonyms: brawny, enduring, solid, staunch, substantial, vigorous
Balancing Qualities: generous, gentle

Definitions: (1) great in significance or worth; very valuable; (2) much esteemed; held close and considered dear; beloved; (3) great in price; costly
So precious is a person’s faith in God, so precious; never should we harm that. Because He gave birth to all religions.
— Saint Francis of Assisi [(born Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone] (1181-1226) Founder of the Franciscan Order
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