Positive Qualities – Subtle & Elegant


You are what you pay attention to. — The River That Runs Uphill, William H. Calvin (1939-) Neurologist

The word “refined” is in definitions for both Elegant and Subtle. In the periodic table if an element is compatible with others it is known as ‘reactive.’ Unlike the physical elements, the spiritual elements all react to each other. The trick is to fuse them in just the right proportions.



Definitions: (1) grace and dignified in fine design, manner, or style; luxurious in a restrained, tasteful way; first-rate; (2) characterized by a sense of propriety and refinement; fastidious; (3) excellent


Definitions: (1) possessing a refined sense of observation; capable of discerning the finer points of things; (2) delicately skillful or clever; artful craftsmanship; cunning; (3) having a keen insight and ability to penetrate deeply and thoroughly; astute; discriminating

• What do I have to offer?
• How can I love this other person?
• What form of love does this person need?
• How subtle should I be with my generosity?

     Note: Be willing to see the other person’s value and respect their individual need.

Consider the Source

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