Positive Qualities: True-blue & Inner-directed


This is the true joy in life: the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one. — George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Author

Like almost all qualities, Inner-directed needs to be surrounded by a supporting cast. A True-blue focus toward objective reality is a good sustaining beam. If you are asking yourself, “What is Objective Reality?” you have another excellent light source.



Definition: a person of inflexible honesty and fidelity; loyal; faithful


Definition: guided in thought and action primarily by one’s own scale of values as opposed to external norms

Parental Quality: faith

     When focusing on the inner realm, you will discover subconscious, conscious, and superconscious. You will know the superconscious by its feel. This is the area from which your higher impulses and a sense of right action emanate. This is what to heed.
     Listen to external norms and judge them by your highest understanding of objective reality; then decide how or if to accept them.
Consider the Source

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