Putting Nutrition at the Center of Development


To address the challenges related to malnutrition in Namibia, Prime Minister Nahas Angula has established the Namibia Alliance for Improved Nutrition (NAFIN), a multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder partnership aimed at ensuring that concerted, coordinated and collaborative efforts by the government and partners lead to a reduction and eventual elimination of malnutrition and improved food security in Namibia.
Until 2010, there was only one trained nutrition professional working for the Namibian government. Currently, there is no stand-alone nutrition course at the tertiary institutions in Namibia, with nutrition integrated only as a component of the nursing degree and the Masters in Public Health at the University of Namibia in the School of Nursing and Public Health.
The revised Nutrition and Food Security Policy will guide government and its partners in delivering evidence-based and cost-effective food and nutrition interventions.
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