Startup Scene


In the past year or so, there have been some important developments that have dramatically changed the startup landscape.
First, entrepreneurs involved with startups have grown more sophisticated, experienced and creative about how they start, operate and finance a new business.
These are people who have been earning their stripes and valuable experience working for startups without the benefit of growth capital. As a result, they have learned to be flexible and creative.
Just as important, they have a keen appreciation for how to squeeze as much as they can from every dollar they spend. It means that with even a small amount of financing, they can go a long way and get a lot done.
Second, there has been a healthy expansion in the amount of seed and startup capital available from venture capitalists and angels. Given how lean and mean startups can operate, investors can inject $250,000 to $500,000 into a startup to support major growth in the product or service plus sales and marketing activities.
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