Success Story – Hoboken Eddie’s


Chef Eddie, a master chef and certified caterer, is powerfully serious about his sauces. He’s spent years devising and concocting his brews. When you taste ’em, you’ll be craving ’em. Edmund Patrick “Hoboken Eddie” McCarthy starts with the highest quality ingredients and then mixes them with a secret array of herbs and spices to conjure-up his tastebud tantalizing sauces.

Chili Pepper magazine recently chose Hoboken Eddie’s Specialties of Hoboken, as an official winner in their famous Fiery Food Challenge. The Challenge is one of the oldest and most prestigious contests in the world of hot and spicy food. More than 50 culinary educators, chefs, and food writers chose Hoboken Eddie’s sauce from hundreds of entrants. Eddie’s Sauce knocked their spurs off!


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