Amping Up the Blame Shift

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: What happens when you combine an embarrassment of riches with managerial incompetence? You get opportunity squandered and systemic failures together with prevarications and blame-shifting. If only the Electric Reliability Council of Texas could somehow convert the prevarications and blame-shifting of state officials into useful … Read more

Be You Perfect!

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: In her 2013 book, Farmacology, Daphne Miller, MD makes a compelling case that gut flora is linked to soil tilth. In one chapter she describes her encounter with a rodeo ridin’ Missouri cattle rancher and his conversion from all things antithetical to tree hugging. … Read more

Shake Your Money Maker

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: When I first read about KickStart International’s Money Maker Hip Pump. The dance floor chant “Shake your money maker” immediately came to my adolescent mind. Although, once I got beyond the amusing imagery, I soon realized just how important a human powered pump would … Read more

Working With Light

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: If you could measure the quality as well as the quantity of natural light entering your greenhouse or growing dome, you could supplement with the kind and amount of artificial light needed for optimal plant growth. The colors preferred by plants for rooting, stemming, … Read more

The Answer May Be Blowin’ in the Wind

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: Television networks have worked continuously to maximize their return on investment by making spectator sports more exciting. For example, I once heard a proposal about how NASCAR races could be more compelling by putting the beer stand in the middle of the track. “Now … Read more

It’s a Gas, Gas, Gas!

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: The romantic era poet George Byron wrote “The dust we tread upon was once alive.” Such contemplative reflection, over the interaction humans have with the environment, continues today in the evolving intellectual disciplines of science, philosophy, and religion. Those that would have us believe … Read more

The Steady Drip, Drip, Drip!

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: Sometimes we are truly thankful for each day we manage to stay on top of the ground. If we lived a few thousand years ago, in or near the desert, we might prefer to get out of the hot sun by working underground. Digging … Read more

What Became of the SunnyBot?

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: I recall reading a certain Superman comic-book story in my youth. Our hero was having more than a few bad days. On one of them, he had built and gifted a high-tech solar array to Metropolis. It was reflecting sunlight into, what would otherwise … Read more

The Home

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: The home is the crowning achievement of human kind. Genuine science, philosophy and religion each recognize the home as the reward for progress, the capstone of an evolutionary struggle. Accordingly, the TLC broadcast is about The Living Crown as well as the Tender Loving Carethat is brought … Read more

Batteries from Nuclear Waste

They will blow any energy density comparison out of the water, lasting anywhere from a decade to 28,000 years without ever needing a charge.  The nano diamond battery has the potential to totally upend the energy equation. The graphite is rich in the carbon-14 radioisotope, which undergoes beta decay into nitrogen, releasing an anti-neutrino and … Read more