Positive Qualities – Docile & Verve

Dear Folks, The ultimate purpose of life, which is to keep alive, is impossible, but this is the ultimate purpose of life anyway. — Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert M. Pirsig (1928-) Philosopher Note: If one acquires positive qualities they will live beyond this physical life. We have many cycles: awake/asleep, hungry/sated, … Read more

Is There Even One Statesman Among Them?

Last week, the U. S. House of Representatives voted, by a count of 285-144, to approve a three-month extension of the debt limit in a bill that concurrently pressures lawmakers to adopt a budget or have their pay withheld. The bill, known as the No Budget No Pay Act of 2013, directs both chambers of Congress to adopt a … Read more

Positive Qualities – Concentrative & Truth

Dear Folks, You know, “nothing ventured, nothing won” is true in every hour. It is the fiber of every experience that signs itself into memory. — John Neville Figgis (1866-1919) Philosopher Truth is one of the three fundamental colors of love (The other two are goodness and beauty). All physical color comes from light; combining … Read more

Positive Qualities – Responsive & Striking

Dear Folks, Remember the three R’s: Respect for self; Respect of others; Responsibility for all your actions. — Author Unknown Let’s add one more ‘R’ to the list above: Responsive. Someone who is Strikingly beautiful or recognizably famous is accustomed to having others react to their physical presence. We all deserve respect; and the outward … Read more