The Supreme Court of the United States

This series of briefings is about ways to insure that government of, by, and for the people shall not perish from the earth. The first seven compact briefings in this series are each just a little over three minutes and keyed to one of the seven governing principles articulated within the Enacting Clause (Preamble), of the United States Constitution.

We the People of the United StatesProvide for the Common Defense
To Form a More Perfect UnionPromote the General Welfare
Establish JusticeSecure the Blessings of Liberty
Insure Domestic Tranquility
The Seven Principles of the Enacting Clause are widely regarded as the ‘Spirit of the Law

The following treatments are an analysis of the Court’s moral and legal relativism due to its disregard for the principles put forth in the Constitution’s Mission Statement, its Cardinal Precepts, and its Defining Objectives.

Whatever Became of Your Oath?The Constitutional Buffet
Supreme CowardiceTaking a Bribe to Take a Dive
Enemies of the StateDefining Legitimacy
The Supreme Court’s contempt for the Constitution’s Preamble, together with its highly selective use of “historical analogues” to further its agenda, has the effect of corroding the democracy underpinnings of the USA’s constitutional republic. Oligarchs have always, at least since the times of ancient Greece, despised democracy. And, from the time of this country’s founding, the struggle has been between the exclusionary forces of unmitigated selfishness, and those for whom the phrase “We the People” was meant to include women and persons of color.

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