DIY Built-in Roll-out Bed

pullout_bed.jpg.662x0_q100_crop-scaleWhile many people can find a nights comfort on a futon or even a sleeping mat typically reserved for camping/hiking, most guests prefer something a bit more inviting. Even blow up mattresses can be cumbersome when your interior walls are less than 8-feet across. In this case, a folding bed is a perfect solution for guests. It can be collapsed when not in use (as it doesn’t take up much space) yet it’s easy to unfold and set up for guests.


Andrew and Crystal Odom live in a tiny house. They are giving away plans for a clever, built-in, roll out bed. It is made of two boxes; the bigger one against the wall is for the storage of the mattress the smaller one on the face is an accordion-like bed platform that pulls out from the wall. The whole thing takes about 9 hours to build from materials costing about US$268.

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