Ascension University Directorate
AIM/CES: Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Spirit — The meaning and value of Undying Hope as characterized by Focused Purpose, Healthy Dedication, and Insightful Leadership. Facts explaining and supporting the arts and practices of enterprising souls.
AIM/FAC: Friends – Associates – Confidants — The meaning and value of Confiding Trust as characterized by Moral Affinity, Informed Fidelity, and Principled Adaptability Facts supporting the building of trust relationships with special emphasis on advocacy, intellectual property, confidentiality, non-disclosure and other privacy concerns.
AIM/FAD: Fact Acquisition & Dissemination — The meaning and value of Sincere Fairness as characterized by Seasoned Acuity, Centered Clarity, and Ethical Inquiry. Facts concerning the arts and sciences of human endeavor with special emphasis on fact gathering, aggregation, distillation, granularization and distribution.
AIM/MEK: Master Experience Key — The meaning and value of Forgiving Tolerance as characterized by Balanced Perspective. Resourceful Accuracy, and Resilient Structuring Facts concerning the arts and sciences of human endeavor with special emphasis on the building of indexes, cross references and thesauruses.
SSA/SON: Serving Others in Need — The meaning and value of Loving Service as characterized by Shared Vision, Unified Motivation, and Constructive Engagement. Facts concerning the need for authentic community and the technique of, administering and rendering service.
SSA/MOM: Ministry Of Mercy — The meaning and value of Merciful Ministry as characterized by Sympathetic Understanding, Enveloping Tenderness , and Inspiring Beauty. Facts concerning the nurturing role of mothers and others engaged in the role of child rearing.
SSA/DAD: Deep Abiding Devotion — The meaning and value of Unselfish Devotion as characterized by Divine Guidance, Patient Foresight, and Supportive Encouragement. Facts concerning the nurturing role of fathers and others engaged in the role of child rearing.
SSA/ANG: Advanced Necessities Guide — The meaning and value of Unfailing Goodness as characterized by Thoughtful Preparedness, Resourceful Adaptability, and Industrious Tenacity. Facts promoting personal health and welfare for a great humanity.
CRC/VIA: Value of Individual Advancement — The meaning and value of Enthusiastic Appreciation as characterized by Augmented Values, Infectious Joy, and Harmonious Progress. Facts supporting the value proposition for continuous education, associating for benevolent purposes and engaging in cooperative enterprises.
CRC/VAN: Values Affirmation Network — The meaning and value of Enduring Peace as characterized by Common Concerns, Sensitive Communications, and Impartial Judgment. Facts favoring the adoption of higher values as well as the sharing of such values.
CRC/IIR: Interpersonal and Integral Relationships — The meaning and value of Courageous Loyalty as characterized by Cohesive Integrity, Mutual Confidence, and Responsive Friendship. Facts promoting the development of a unified personality, healthy and supportive relationships and productive environments.
CRC/HAP: Heaven Abides Personally — The meaning and value of Enlightened Honesty as characterized by Clear Thinking, Warmhearted Luminosity, and Spiritual Transformation. Facts concerning the relationship between God and individual human beings.