

Influential Initiatives

URANTIA Foundation
The Urantia Book Fellowship
Square Circles Publishing
Urantia Association International
The Urantia Book Historical Society
The Urantia Board
Simple Man’s Urantia Book


Introductions to The Urantia Book

Spiritual Quote of the Day
Table of Contents
Introduction to The Urantia Book
Regarding The Urantia Book
Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
Wikipedia Encyclopedia Entry
Reader Responses to Urantia FAQ’s
50 Reasons Why You Should Read The Urantia Book
The URANTIA Book: After having read this book you shall change your life…
Overview/Syllabus of the UB
The Twenty Most-Asked Questions
A Collection of Reviews and Articles About The Urantia Book


Full Text or Audio of The Urantia Book Online

The Urantia Book Fellowship Online Study Edition
TruthBook.com (Includes Built-in Audio Version)
URANTIA Foundation
Urantia Explorer (Created by Troy Bishop)
The Urantia Book Fellowship
Master Universe Almanac Edition Based on 1955 First Printing Text
Multiple Formats Text Download Plus Audio Download
The UB in All Languages
The Truth of Urantia
Jesus of Urantia
Audio Urantia Book
UrantiaStudy.com: Featuring Larger Text Fonts
Norm Du Val: 1955 Version With Words of Jesus in Red



The Multilingual Urantia Book
Arabic Urantia Book
Kniga Urantije
Het Urantia Boek
Urantia Kirjasta
Le Livre d’Urantia
Le Livre d’Urantia
Das Urantia Buch
Il Libro Di Urantia
Yuransia Caeg
Urantijos Knyga
Ksiega Urantii
O Livro do Urantia
Kniga Urantii
El Libro de Urantia
Polylingual Search
The Urantia Book Translation Portal


Discussion Groups

UBRON (Urantia Book Readers Online Network)
TruthBook.com Urantia Book Forum
Urantia Family
UAI Urantia Book Forum
The Urantia Board
ubronMAX Urantia Forum
Bill’s UB Forum
BeliefNet.com UB Discussion Group
Urantia Book Readers Web Forum
The alt.religion.urantia-book Newsgroup

Facebook Groups

Urantia Group
The Urantia Book and the Religion of the Spirit
Christian Urantians
The Urantia Revelation
Spiritual Spectrum
Minister Pato Banton
Fans of The Urantia Book
Fans of Cosmic Citizen Radio
The Urantia Book

Sources of Books and Study Aids

Urantia Book Store
URANTIA Foundation
Barnes & Noble Bookstore
Ascender Publishing
Square Circles Publishing

Study Groups Throughout the World

Worldwide Study Group Locater
The Urantia Book Fellowship’s North American Directory
The Urantia Board Community U.S., Canada, and Worldwide Directory
Urantia Study Group Portal
UB Enthusiasts “Meetups”

UB-based Studies

Truthbook.com’s UB Search Engine
Topical Index
Topical Glossary
Jeffrey Wattles
Video Classes with Chris Halvorson
Synopsis of The Urantia Book
God, Man, and Supreme
Master Universe Almanac
A Study of the Master Universe
Encyclopedia Urantia
A 282-Page Comprehensive Digest of the UB
UBIS (Urantia Book Internet School)
Urantia University
The Boulder Urantia Study Group
Atlanta Urantia Book Study Group
Urantia Research
84 Citations of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in the UB
Local Universe Organization Chart
Superuniverse Organization Chart
Paradise Organization Chart
Science and The Urantia Book
Troy Bishop’s Ascender Site
Square Circles Publishing
Urantia Book Astronomy
The Trinity Concept
Evolution of the Supreme
Universe Tour
The UB Workbooks by William S. Sadler, M.D.
Bill Sadler’s Master Universe Series
Study Help
Eden Emerging: A Timeline
Seeking Wisdom
The Urantia Book Historical Society
Websters Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)


UB-Bible Bridges

The Paramony by Duane Faw
Jesus A Revelation of God by Laurence Whelan
Building Urantia Book Bridges
A Comparative Study of the Life and Teachings of Jesus
An Introduction to the UB for Conservative Christians
Pure Christians Website With UB Perspective
The UB and Christian Fundamentalism
The Meredith J. Sprunger Archive for Christian Clergy
How Christian is The Urantia Book?

UB Videos and Slide Shows

Inspiring Movies and Videos Based on the UB
UB-Related Videos Source
Perfecting Horizons: Adventures in Cosmic Thinking
Mo Siegel Interviews Meredith Sprunger
Paula Thompson, Part One of Three Videos
Pato Banton, Part One of Two Videos
Halbert Katzen Video
James Woodward Video

The Urantia Book on Radio

The Cosmic Citizen UB Online Radio Show
Symmetry of Soul
Speeches and Radio Broadcasts of Vern Bennom Grimsley
Urantia Radio

UB-inspired Novels

The Seven Circles by Richard S. Omura
Gabriel Versus Lucifer Author Anonymous

UB-inspired Non-fiction

Adam And Eve: A Tragic Love Story by Louis J. Bartolomeo
Gospel Gospel: An Expanded Biography by Louis J. Bartolomeo
And Then We Die: The Paradise Adventure by Louis J. Bartolomeo
The Multilevelate Universe by Troy Bishop
Starwind by Troy Bishop
Bright World of Choice by Troy Bishop
An Introduction to the Urantia Revelation by David Bradley
The Call of the Spirit by Merritt Horn
Assorted Kindle Editions by A. Cercatore (Ed Joyce)
Assorted Paperback Books by A. Cercatore (Ed Joyce)
21 Steps to a Spiritual Awakening by Harry McMullan
The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand by Ed Roache

UB-inspired Art

Beam’s Doorway
Digital Illustrations Of UB Concepts by Troy Bishop
Cosmic Landscapes by Terry Kruger
The Sacred and Visionary Art of Jeff Haworth
Angelic Art by Rees Marlatt
FusionArt by Rassouli
Vision Afar by Gary Tonge
UB Comix by Don Tyler
Fantastic Realism of Robert Venosa
UB-based eCards

UB-inspired Poetry

Elan Vital: A Story of God and Man by Suzanne Marie Kelly
The Sacred Cycle by Troy R. Bishop
Multimedia Presentation of The Sacred Cycle

Journals and Newsletters

The Fellowship Herald
The Urantian Journal
Urantia Brotherhood Bulletin, Mighty Messenger and More
Urantia Association International (UAI) Journal
TIDINGS from Associations around Urantia
Innerface International
Lone Star Light Newsletter
Spiritual Fellowship Journal


Weblogs (Blogs)

The Omega Word
Wandering Urantian
Planet Urantia
Thoughts and Inspiration Around The Urantia Book
Broadcast Urantia
Rajan C. Mathew
Virtual Urantia

Urantian Sojourn


Loving Service

The United Urantia Family Festival
UB Youth Site
Urantia Now
InnerLife International
The Retreat Network
Urantia Nations Outreach
UBIM: The Urantia Book International Ministry
The Joshua ben Joseph Project
Free Schools World Literacy
The Global Endeavor
The Spiritual Fellowship
Global Community Communications Alliance
The Michaels Foundation


Societies, Associations, and Book Clubs

Urantia Association International (UAI)
Urantia Association of the United States
Urantia Alaska
First Society
Los Angeles Society
Golden Gate Circle Society
Grand Canyon Society for Readers of The Urantia Book
Lone Star Light (Texas) UA
Oklahoma Society for Readers of The Urantia Book
Florida Students of The Urantia Book
Urantia Book Society of Greater New York (UBSGNY)
Urantia Association of New England
Ohio Students of the Urantia Book
Greater Lake Michigan Urantia Association (GLMUA)
URANTIA Association of Canada
The UB in Ottawa-Gatineau
Finland URANTIA Association
Estonia URANTIA Association
The University Campus Urantia Book Club

International Sites

Urantia Readers International
Urantia Book International


Influential Urantians
William S. Sadler – influential physician, psychiatrist and holistic health pioneer; founder of Urantia Book Fellowship; editor of the URANTIA Book and leader in its dissemination

Wilfred Custer Kellogg – second most important person (after Sadler) in bringing forth the Urantia Book, said to have been channeled through Wilfred (Wilfred and his uncle, cereal inventor John Harvey Kellogg, were both former Seventh-day Adventists)

Kerry Livgren – lead guitarist, songwriter and founding member of rock group Kansas (was a devout Urantian before becoming an Evangelical Christian Protestant)

In addition to people who were full-fledged Urantians – people for whom the Urantia Book or organizations surrounding it constituted their religion – a number of other famous people were reportedly enthusastic readers of the Urantia Book. These include TV writer Norman Lear (All in the Family, Sanford and Son, Maude), TV writer/producer Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek), science fiction writer Frank Herbert (Dune), Buffy St. Marie (Canadian Native American musician, composer, visual artist, educator and social activist), Mo Segal (Celestial Seasoning’s Tea), actor Jackie Gleason (The Honeymooners), and rock and roll legends Elvis Presley, Jimmy Hendrix, Jerry Garcia, Moody Blues, Spirit, and Janis Joplin.


Deepak Chopra (born October 22, 1946)

“Read The Urantia Book and spiritualize your thinking.”
—Deepak Chopra
(source link: http://www.theoquest.com/learning/img/TQFG.pdf)

(from Wikipedia.com)
Deepak Chopra . . . is an Indian medical doctor and writer. He has written extensively on spirituality and diverse topics in mind-body medicine. Chopra says that he has been influenced by the teachings of Vedanta and the Bhagavad Gita, as well as by Jiddu Krishnamurti, and by the field of quantum physics. Deepak Chopra has had a profound influence on the New Thought Movement that has embraced him in the U.S.

Chopra taught at Tufts University and Boston University Schools of Medicine, and became the Chief of Staff at the New England Memorial Hospital (later the Boston Regional Medical Center) in Stoneham, Massachusetts. Chopra also established a large private practice.

Inspired after meeting New Delhi Ayurvedic physician Dr. Vaidya Brihaspati Dev Triguna in 1981, Chopra became a leader in the Transcendental Meditation movement. Later, Chopra branched off on his own to pursue broader aims in mind-body treatment including, in 1993, the position of executive director of the Sharp Institute for Human Potential and Mind–Body Medicine, affiliated with Sharp Healthcare, in San Diego.

(from Deepak Chopra’s Official website: http://deepakchopra.com/)

DEEPAK CHOPRA is the author of more than fifty books translated into over thirty-five languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers in both the fiction and nonfiction categories. Dr. Chopra is a fellow of the American College of Physicians, a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Adjunct Professor at Kellogg School of Management and Senior Scientist with The Gallup Organization. He is a co-founder and President of the Alliance for a New Humanity. Time magazine heralds Deepak Chopra as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century and credits him as “the poet-prophet of alternative medicine.”


Stephen R. Covey (born 1932)

Stephen Covey’s testimonial for Up Close and Personal with The Urantia Book by JJ Johnson:
Of The Urantia Book, Mr. Covey said, “I’ve read it several times, the first time about 25 years ago. As you suggested, it is a tremendously insightful book and [I] still find it very interesting.”

From Wikipedia:
“Stephen R. Covey . . . wrote the best-selling book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Other books he has written include First Things First, Principle-Centered Leadership and The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families. His latest book, The 8th Habit, appeared in 2004.”

“Dr. Covey established the “Covey Leadership Center” which, on May 30, 1997, merged with Franklin Quest to form FranklinCovey, a global professional-services firm and specialty-retailer selling both training and productivity-tools to individuals and to organizations. Their mission statement reads: “We enable greatness in people and organizations everywhere”.”

“A father of nine and a grandfather of forty-nine, he received the Fatherhood Award from the National Fatherhood Initiative in 2003.”

“In 2008 Dr. Covey launched The Stephen Covey Online Community. The site is a mash up of online courses, goal management and social networking. He uses it as a place to teach his most recent thoughts and ideas on current topics and self leadership.”

From www.stephencovey.com:

“Discover for yourself the benefits of principle-centered living. Dr. Covey’s lectures and workshops invariably cover new ground for participants, and they leave ready to abandon existing unproductive habits for more effective thinking and practices. “Insightful, inspiring, intelligent, compassionate” are just some of the words used consistently by participants to describe Dr. Covey.”

“One of Mr. Covey’s speaking topics is Principle-Centered Leadership. In this presentation, Dr. Covey teaches you the key to unleashing individual human potential. It is about instilling principles into the hearts and minds of people, then into the culture, where they begin to permeate and affect all relationships. Successful leadership inspires people to commit to a common vision, a common purpose and a common set of principles, thereby giving a clear sense of direction. This is the surest way to create strength and success in today’s volatile, whitewater world.”




Marianne Williamson (born July 8, 1952)

“The Urantia Book has been very important to me. The material has always fed my hunger for a deeper understanding of the purpose of life, and the best way to live it. Any spiritual seeker is bound to find sustenance here.” —Marianne Williamson
(source link: http://www.theoquest.com/learning/img/TQFG.pdf)

[The following text is from her official website.]
Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed author and lecturer. She has published ten books, five of which — including her newest The Age of Miracles: Embracing the New Midlife — have been New York Times Bestsellers. Her first book, A Return to Love, spent 35 weeks in the #1 slot on the New York Times Bestsellers list and is considered a classic must-read of the new spirituality.

Marianne hosts a daily Course in Miracles radio program on Oprah and Friends network XM radio 156.

In 1989, she founded Project Angel Food, a meals-on-wheels program that serves homebound people with AIDS in the Los Angeles area. Today, Project Angel Food serves over 1,000 people daily. Marianne also co-founded The Peace Alliance, a grass roots campaign supporting legislation currently before Congress to establish a U. S. Department of Peace.
In December 2006, a NEWSWEEK magazine poll named Marianne Williamson one of the fifty most influential baby boomers.

Official website: http://marianne.com/


Sir Hubert Wilkins (1888-1958)

As part of an introduction to his biography, The Last Explorer by Simon Nasht (2006), Jeannette Seaver writes:

Hubert Wilkins was a celebrated newsreel cameraman, reporter, pilot, spy, war hero, scientist, and adventurer, but his greatest accomplishments were as an explorer. In fact, if greatness is measured in square miles, Wilkins was the most successful explorer in history, for no one has seen with his own eyes more undiscovered land and sea. He was also the first to fly across the North Pole, which won him a knighthood and many honors, including a tickertape parade in New York. The New York Times called it “the greatest flight in history.” He was the first to fly to the Antarctic, and the first to discover land by airplane. He was the first to take a submarine under the polar ice. He proved that no continent underlies the North Pole. He was the first truly modern explorer, who recognized the importance for discovery of new technologies, like the airplane, submarine, and motion picture camera. A visionary, he also grasped the link between the poles and changing global weather, and was a pioneer in weather forecasting and the study of global warming.

From The Last Explorer:

Sir Hubert Wilkins became a steadfast supporter of the Urantia Movement, and his cheque for $1000 was the first money to go towards the publication costs of The Urantia Book. According to Dr. Sadler it became “Sir Hubert’s personal religious philosophy. He came to see us [in Chicago] every year or two, spending two or three weeks reading, studying and making notes.” Wilkins would read for up to ten hours a day then spend long evenings with Dr. Sadler and his wife in “very deliberate discussions of the teachings of the Urantia Papers.”1 Asked once by a Urantia devotee how he tested the validity of the book, he responded succinctly: “It’s utter consistency with itself.”2 3

William S. Sadler, letter to Mrs. Nancy Hildick, secretary of Stefansson, 14 August, 1959. http://www.urantiabook.org/index_history.htm
JC Mills, The Urantia Book: An Evaluation, 1970 see: http://urantiabook.org/archive/readers/doc944.htm
The Last Explorer by Simon Nasht (2006), page 278.


Lew Ayres (1908 – 1996)

In the Annual Report of the Secretary-General To The Executive Committee and To The General Council of Urantia Brotherhood for the Year 1957, Marian Rowley, Secretary-General writes: http://www.ubhistory.org/Documents/BA19571231_B_27.pdf (This pdf may take some time to download. The quote is from page 25.)
“[T]here have been two well-knowns who have become interested in the last year. One is Lew Ayres, who bought three extra books for friends. . .”

From wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lew_Ayres
“Ayres played opposite Greta Garbo in 1929’s The Kiss, but it was his starring role in 1930’s All Quiet on the Western Front which made him a star. Ayres was Janet Gaynor’s leading man in Servants’ Entrance (1934), which featured a combination of live action and Walt Disney animation in a musical dream sequence. He played the title role in Young Dr. Kildare in 1938 and became a matinee idol, starring in several Kildare films. During this time, Ayres also co-starred with Joan Crawford and James Stewart in The Ice Follies of 1939.

“Mirroring his anti-war and medical roles in his film work, Ayres was a pacifist who sought to become a member of the Medical Corps during World War II. The military would not guarantee him that position, so he declared as a conscientious objector, and reported to a CPS camp. Having such a well-known public figure take this stance was poor publicity for the military, and it led to changes in the rules, at which point Ayres was then able to join the Medical Corps. He served in the Pacific theater and in New Guinea.

“In 1948 he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for Johnny Belinda. . .”

“His 1976 documentary film Altars of the World brought his Eastern philosophical beliefs to the screen and earned him critical acclaim.”

From http://moviemorlocks.com/:
“In All Quiet on the Western Front (1930), actor Lew Ayres played Paul Bäumer, a German soldier disillusioned by the horrors of World War I (the iconic scene of his reaching for a butterfly on the battlefield remains a classic image in world cinema).”

AP Obituary by Minerva Canto: http://www.thefreelibrary.com/
“Long a student of comparative religion, he also toured the country with his documentaries about the faiths of all nations.”

Obituary by Anthony Slide, updated by Audrey E. Kupferberg: http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-3406801538.html
“And his commitment to a spiritualist philosophy remained a constant, as evidenced by his involvement in the documentaries Altars of the East and Altars of the World.”

“Ayres declared himself a conscientious objector, and Hollywood was quick to denounce him. While the industry hailed the stars who, with maximum publicity, entered the armed forces yet never saw active service, Lew Ayres quietly went about his work as a medical orderly at the South Pacific battlefront. There is a haunting photograph of the actor taping up the wounds of a Japanese prisoner in the Philippines, which appeared in Life magazine (25 December 1944).”


Elvis Presley (musician, actor)

From: David W. Cloud, “1950s Rock — Creating a Revolution”, distributed by Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service, copyright 2001
(http://www.wayoflife.org/fbns/1950srock.htm; viewed 19 July 2005)
Relevant passage:

Elvis did not believe the Bible in any traditional sense… Elvis constructed “a personalised religion out of what he’d read of Hinduism, Judaism, numerology, theosophy, mind control, positive thinking and Christianity” (Hungry for Heaven, p. 143). The night he died, he was reading the book Sex and Psychic Energy (Goldman, Elvis: The Last 24 Hours, p. 140). Elvis loved material by guru Paramahansa Yogananda, the Hindu founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship… In considering a marriage to Ginger Alden (which never came to pass) prior to his death, Elvis wanted the ceremony to be held in a pyramid-shaped arena “in order to focus the spiritual energies upon him and Ginger” (Goldman, Elvis: The Last 24 Hours, p. 125). Elvis traveled with a portable bookcase containing over 200 volumes of his favorite books. The books most commonly associated with him were books promoting pagan religion, such as The Prophet by Kahilil Gibran; Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda; The Mystical Christ by Manley Palmer; The Life and Teachings of the Master of the Far East by Baird Spalding; The Inner Life by Leadbetter; The First and Last Freedom by Krishnamurti; The Urantia Book; The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception; the Book of Numbers by Cheiro; and Esoteric Healing by Alice Bailey. Elvis was a great fan of occultist Madame Blavatsky. He was so taken with Blavatsky’s book The Voice of Silence, which contains the supposed translation of ancient occultic Tibetan incantations, that he “sometimes read from it onstage and was inspired by it to name his own gospel group, Voice” (Goldman, Elvis, p. 436). Another of Elvis’s favorite books was The Impersonal Life, which supposedly contains words recorded directly from God by Joseph Benner. Biographer Albert Goldman says Elvis gave away hundreds of copies of this book over the last 13 years of his life.



Pato Banton (born 1961)

“The Urantia Book has played a major role in my life by providing the answers to the many religious questions I had, but could not find an answer to in any other religious books:-) What I have learned from years of searching is this: “When you truly love the Creator of this Universe, you develop a strong urge to Serve. The greatest way for a human being to serve God, is through Loving Service to the Family of Humanity. There is no other way to achieve Peace On Earth.”
Pato Banton’s official websites:

Pato has performed at numerous Urantia related events over the years, including international conferences held in 1999 in Vancouver, Canada and in 2008 in Los Angeles, California. He makes The Urantia Book available at his concerts along with UBtheNEWS pamphlets.

“Pato Banton (born Patrick Murray) is a reggae singer and toaster from Birmingham, England. He began recording in 1982, appearing on “Pato and Roger a Go Talk” (from Special Beat Service) with Ranking Roger of The Beat. He was one of the guest artists that appeared on the UB40 album Baggariddim in 1985. His solo debut was 1987’s Never Give In, which included a collaboration with Paul Shaffer. After an EP in 1988, Banton released a more pop-oriented LP, Visions of the World, followed by 1990’s Wize Up! (No Compromise), which included a college radio hit in Spirits in the Material World (The Police cover)[used in the soundtrack for Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls and featuring Sting] and another collaboration, “Wize Up!”, this time with David Hinds of Steel Pulse.

“Banton then worked on a live album and with Mad Professor, and then released 1992’s Universal Love. After a 1994 British #1 hit in Baby Come Back (originally by Eddy Grant performing with The Equals), with Robin and Ali Campbell of UB40, a best-of album was released. 1996’s Stay Positive was followed by Life Is a Miracle in 2000. Life Is a Miracle received a Grammy nomination for Best Reggae Album in 2001. Recently, Banton has been playing with Mystic Roots, a reggae band formed in Chico, California.”
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pato_Banton


Jerry Garcia (1942-1995)

In A Long Strange Trip: The Inside History of the Grateful Dead (2002), author Dennis McNally asserts, when talking about Jerry Garcia, that The Urantia Book was “one of his favorite esoteric works.”

Paul Krassner Interview by Sunny Sunndowner July 9, 2009:

SS: And we might go so far as to say that, in addition to being a healing ceremony, it was a “spiritual experience.” One interesting aside, though, came in an interview with Jerry later on, where he was asked what he thought about this one faction of “Deadheads” who considered him to be “God,” and he responded that he would tolerate it until they came for him with the “nails and a cross.” (Laughter) But you had an interesting bit of Jerry Garcia trivia about his “spirituality” involving “The Urantia Book”…

PK: Oh yeah- Garcia read the entire Urantia Book…

SS: And that’s like over 4 inches thick!

PK: Yeah, and it’s in small print. Back in the sixties, there was a legend that if you read the entire Urantia Bible, which is sort of “science-fiction” in its own way – a mix of science fiction and spirituality… but if you read the entire book, then ‘three elderly women would come visit you.” But Jerry told me that he never got that visit… and he was very disappointed. (Laughter)

SS: Do you think he considered it a waste of time, then? (Laughter)

PK: No, he had a “twinkle in his eye” about it- and he knew that it was the “journey” of reading it, rather than the “goal” of meeting “three elderly women.”
See http://desertvalleystar.com/article.php?a=396

From Paul Krassner’s book Impolite Interviews:

“There is a powerful continuity spanning three decades of Grateful Dead events, from a benefit for the Black Panthers where everybody got frisked to a concert where the entire audience was younger than the number of years the band had been together. Jerry Garcia remains as an icon representing the sense of community that has always accompanied the music of the Dead. Their concerts have served as healing ceremonies, as extended family reunions, as celebrations of a shared value system, as Martian conventions. That ‘s the spirit of Garcia’s legacy, and it will continue to transcend generations.

“Even though President Clinton occasionally wears one of Jerry Garcia’s designer neckties, Garcia himself never wore a tie. But he did have a drawer filled entirely with black T-shirts along with a copy of the Urantia Bible. He once told me of a legend that anyone who read that book from cover to cover–which he had done–would receive a mysterious visit from three elderly women, although they never arrived at his door. He accepted his disappointment with grace.”

From Wikipedia:

Jerome John “Jerry” Garcia (August 1, 1942 – August 9, 1995) was an American musician best known for his lead guitar work, singing and songwriting with the band the Grateful Dead. Though he vehemently disavowed the role, Garcia was viewed by many as the leader or “spokesman” of the group.

One of its founders, Garcia performed with the Grateful Dead for their entire three-decade career (1965–1995). Garcia also founded and participated in a variety of side projects, including the Saunders-Garcia Band (with longtime friend Merl Saunders), Jerry Garcia Band, Old and in the Way, the Garcia/Grisman acoustic duo, Legion of Mary, and the New Riders of the Purple Sage (which Garcia co-founded with John Dawson and David Nelson). He also released several solo albums, and contributed to a number of albums by other artists over the years as a session musician. He was well known by many for his distinctive guitar playing and was ranked 13th in Rolling Stone’s “100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time” cover story.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry_Garcia


Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970)

From: Room Full of Mirrors: A Biography of Jimi Hendrix by Charles R. Cross, p. 307.
“Jimi reveled in the chance to talk about religion and mysticism in a setting he called a “cosmic candy store.” “It was a spiritual cleansing for Jimi,” Chuck Wein observed. . . . Wein gave Jimi several books, including The Tibetan Book of the Dead and Secret Places of the Lion: Alien Influences on Earth’s Destiny. Jimi also had with him The Book of Urantia, an alternative Bible for UFO believers that mixed tales of Jesus with stories of alien visitations. Jimi carried this book with him everywhere-along with his Bob Dylan songbook-and told friends he had learned much from its pages.”

The quote above lends some credibility to the material below, which at this time has not been otherwise corroborated through any commercial publication.

Jane, Seattle, WA: http://www.songfacts.com/detail.php?id=2983
“In the mid 70’s, after Jim had died, his Pan Am flight bag was found in the lost baggage department. Inside was a battered copy of “The Urantia Book”. I believe this was a significant source of inspiration for Jimi and his beliefs about spirituality and the afterlife. The lyrics to Voodoo Chile say: “I’ll meet you in the next world, and don’t be late”. Anyone else in that era would have said the next life, or next plane. But the concept of a “next world”, that is, an ascension sphere prior to heaven, is a concept specific to The Urantia Book. This is just a little clue as to what Jimi thought and where he found inspiration. We’ll all get to see him in the next world and I can’t wait. (Jimi says he’s a voodoo child, he’s certainly not calling himself a pot of chile.)”

Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock

The following is an excerpt from the Wikipedia page about Hendrix: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimi_hendrix
“Jimi Hendrix (November 27, 1942 – September 18, 1970) was an American guitarist, singer and songwriter. Hendrix is considered one of the greatest and most influential guitarists in rock music history. After initial success in England, he achieved worldwide fame following his 1967 performance at the Monterey Pop Festival. Later, Hendrix headlined the iconic 1969 Woodstock Festival.

“Jimi Hendrix helped pioneer the technique of guitar feedback with overdriven amplifiers, incorporating into his music what was previously an undesirable sound. He built upon the innovations and influences of blues stylists such as B.B. King, Muddy Waters, Albert King, and T-Bone Walker, and derived style from rhythm and blues and soul guitarists Curtis Mayfield, Steve Cropper, and Cornell Dupree, as well as from traditional jazz. Part of Hendrix’s flamboyant stage persona may have been inspired by rock pioneer Little Richard, with whom he toured as part of Richard’s back-up band, “The Upsetters”.

“Hendrix is also widely thought to be influenced by Pete Townshend of The Who, who performed in London when Hendrix started his career there in 1966. Carlos Santana has also suggested that Hendrix’s music may have been influenced by his Native American heritage.

“Hendrix strove to combine what he called “earth”, a blues, jazz, or funk-driven rhythm accompaniment, with “space”, the high-pitched psychedelic sounds created by his guitar improvisations. As a record producer, Hendrix also broke new ground in using the recording studio as an extension of his musical ideas; he was one of the first to experiment with stereophonic and phasing effects during recording.

“Hendrix was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1992 and the UK Music Hall of Fame in 2005. His star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (at 6627 Hollywood Blvd.) was dedicated in 1994. In 2006, his debut album, Are You Experienced, was inducted into the United States National Recording Preservation Board’s National Recording Registry. Rolling Stone named Hendrix number 1 on their list of the 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time in 2003.”



Kerry Livgren (Born September 18, 1949)

From: How Do You Know He’s Real?:Celebrity Reflections on True Life Experiences with God
By Amy Hammond Hagberg

Kerry Livgren:
“My desire to find religious truth during this period was actually heightened by our success. The only thing I could really cling to was the tremendous emotional experience that resulted from creating music. In a real sense, music became my god. And knowing that my lyrics were having a profound effect on the lives of many people, I felt compelled to accelerate my search to find the truth. Many of our fans thought I was some kind of a prophet. I felt like a sham and hungered for more than ever to discover the true God. . . .

“In 1977, I discovered a book that convinced me I had reached the end of my quest. It was called the Urantia Book, a 2,097-page cultic volume that appeared to have all the answers I was looking for. Urantia is an ancient name for the planet Earth, and the Urantia Book believes that no one religion has all of the truth. The basic theme of this book is the proclamation that all men are indwelt by divinity and are involved in a very gradual process of achieving complete God-consciousness. I became convinced that the book could not have been written by men or human inspiration.

“Two years later, Kansas had become one of the most successful and respected rock bands in the country. I enjoyed a real sense of artistic fulfillment; my marriage was going well; I had achieved financial prosperity; and I thought I had discovered the real meaning of life as an Urantian.”

From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_%28band%29
“The 1979 album Monolith featured lyrics influenced by The Urantia Book and Native American themes.”

“Kansas is an American progressive rock band who became a popular arena rock group in the 1970s, with hit singles such as “Carry On Wayward Son” and “Dust in the Wind.” Kansas has remained a classic rock radio staple and a popular touring act in North America and Europe.”


Jaco Pastorius (1951-1987)

From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaco_pastorius

“John Francis Anthony “Jaco” Pastorius III (December 1, 1951 – September 21, 1987) was a Finnish-American jazz musician and composer widely acknowledged for his virtuosity of the fretless bass, as well as his command of varied musical styles.

His playing style was noteworthy for containing “dazzling solos in the higher register” and “fluid machine-gun-like passages that demanded attention,” often featuring his instrument in lead rather than rhythm section. His unique innovations also included the use of harmonics and the “singing” quality of his melodies. In 2006, Pastorius was voted “The Greatest Bass Player Who Has Ever Lived” by reader submissions in Bass Guitar Magazine.

Apart from his career in the influential jazz fusion band Weather Report, he had two Grammy Award nominations for his self-titled debut album.He was inducted into Down Beat Jazz Hall of Fame in 1988, one of only four bassists to be so honored beside Charles Mingus, Milt Hinton, and Ray Brown and the only electric bassist to garner the distinction.”

From: http://www.bassplayer.com/article/jacos-finest-hour/sep-07/31331

Bass Player, online edition September 2007

Jaco’s Finest Hour: A Song Is Born

“Among Jaco’s bass anthems, when it comes to the triple-threat combination of composition, bass line, and solo, none stands quite as tall as “Havona.” Pastorius originally wrote the tune in late 1973, while under the spiritual influence of The Urantia Book. A chapter in the book describes “Havona” as the master galaxy (which contains Earth)-and as a perfect universe consisting of a billion spheres of unimagined beauty. A raw version featuring Herbie Hancock, Lenny White, and Don Alias was recorded for Jaco’s 1976 landmark solo debut, but it was not included.

“The preeminent “Havona” version came a year later, for Weather Report’s 1977 epic, Heavy Weather. Strikingly fresh and uninhibited, the track dances and soars on an ear-grabbing bass line, partnered with a sizzling drum groove. Meanwhile, angular changes provide fodder for the consensus baddest bass guitar solo ever put to tape. As drummer Alex Acuña told Joe Zawinul biographer Brian Glasser, “I think my favorite [track on Heavy Weather] is ‘Havona.’ That, for me, is how I always want to play, that kind of a conversation. When I hear that tune, I still get the chills. Everything was improvised in that moment-it’s almost no overdubs.” Perhaps Peter Erskine, who succeeded Acuña in Weather Report, sums it up best. “As the final track on Heavy Weather, it’s one of those tunes on one of those albums that, when you’ve finished listening to it, you want to listen to the entire recording from the beginning all over again. It is a perfect track and is one of my all-time favorite Jaco performances. Oddly, it was one of the few tunes that the band did not rehearse or try to play live when I was in the group, but I’m grateful for its existence. ‘Havona’ is definitive Jaco: incredible rhythm, new and fresh harmony, virtuosity-flawless execution and intonation, including his Stravinsky quote!-and a sense that the song is coming from the past and the future at the same time.”


Elvis Presley (1935-1937)

From: David W. Cloud, “1950s Rock — Creating a Revolution”, distributed by Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service, copyright 2001
(http://www.wayoflife.org/fbns/1950srock.htm; viewed 19 July 2005)
Relevant passage:

Elvis did not believe the Bible in any traditional sense… Elvis constructed “a personalised religion out of what he’d read of Hinduism, Judaism, numerology, theosophy, mind control, positive thinking and Christianity” (Hungry for Heaven, p. 143). The night he died, he was reading the book Sex and Psychic Energy (Goldman, Elvis: The Last 24 Hours, p. 140). Elvis loved material by guru Paramahansa Yogananda, the Hindu founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship… In considering a marriage to Ginger Alden (which never came to pass) prior to his death, Elvis wanted the ceremony to be held in a pyramid-shaped arena “in order to focus the spiritual energies upon him and Ginger” (Goldman, Elvis: The Last 24 Hours, p. 125). Elvis traveled with a portable bookcase containing over 200 volumes of his favorite books. The books most commonly associated with him were books promoting pagan religion, such as The Prophet by Kahilil Gibran; Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda; The Mystical Christ by Manley Palmer; The Life and Teachings of the Master of the Far East by Baird Spalding; The Inner Life by Leadbetter; The First and Last Freedom by Krishnamurti; The Urantia Book; The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception; the Book of Numbers by Cheiro; and Esoteric Healing by Alice Bailey. Elvis was a great fan of occultist Madame Blavatsky. He was so taken with Blavatsky’s book The Voice of Silence, which contains the supposed translation of ancient occultic Tibetan incantations, that he “sometimes read from it onstage and was inspired by it to name his own gospel group, Voice” (Goldman, Elvis, p. 436). Another of Elvis’s favorite books was The Impersonal Life, which supposedly contains words recorded directly from God by Joseph Benner. Biographer Albert Goldman says Elvis gave away hundreds of copies of this book over the last 13 years of his life.


“Elvis Aaron Presleya (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977) was one of the most popular American singers of the 20th century. A cultural icon, he is widely known by the single name Elvis. He is often referred to as the “King of Rock and Roll” or simply “the King”.

. . .

“Presley is regarded as one of the most important figures of 20th-century popular culture. He had a versatile voice and unusually wide success encompassing many genres, including country, pop ballads, gospel, and blues. He is the best-selling solo artist in the history of popular music. Nominated for 14 competitive Grammys, he won three, and received the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award at age 36. He has been inducted into four music halls of fame.”
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elvis_Presley


Carlos Santana (1947-present)

On Tuesday November 15, 2011, Carlos Santana posted the following to his facebook page:

“Greetings, children of light & love! (A Flow of Consciousness by Carlos 11/15/11)
Greetings, children of light & love!
I find myself reading The Urantia Book,
Specifically: paper 134 section 6 –
And truly it resonates with my spirit
to attain tangible lasting world peace…”

To read paper 134 section 6of The Urantia Book, click here.

Santana played and recorded music occasionally with the Grateful Dead. Jerry Garcia, guitarist for the Grateful Dead, is also listed here on Star Power (above). As well, visual artist Robert Venosa, who did album cover art for Santana, is also listed on Star Power.

Carlos Augusto Alves Santana (born July 20, 1947) is a Mexican-American rock guitarist. Santana became famous in the late 1960s and early 1970s with his band, Santana, which pioneered rock, salsa and jazz fusion. The band’s sound featured his melodic, blues-based guitar lines set against Latin and African rhythms featuring percussion instruments such as timbales and congas not generally heard in rock music. Santana continued to work in these forms over the following decades. He experienced a resurgence of popularity and critical acclaim in the late 1990s. In 2003, Rolling Stone magazine listed Santana at number 15 on their list of the 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time. He has won 10 Grammy Awards and 3 Latin Grammy Awards.


Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007)

Karlheinz Stockhausen was a German composer. He is regarded as one of the important composeres of the 20th century, referred by to one critic (Hewett 2007) as “one of the great visionaries of 20th-century music.” He is famous for his ground-breaking work in electronic music and “controlled chance” in serial composition.

From his article In Every Sense This Composer Was On A Different Wavelength, Matthew Guerrieri writes (http://www.slate.com/id/2180463/):

“Stockhausen borrowed from The Urantia Book in his last completed major work, the seven-opera cycle Licht, which occupied him from 1977 until 2002 (and remains only five-sevenths performed). The book was one of a long line of spiritual systems-Catholicism, Sufism, the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo-that Stockhausen embraced. But they were adjuncts to his true creed: Stockhausen was first and foremost a priest of sound, a clearinghouse for the coming and going of vibrations.”


Sun Ra (1914-1993)

(From wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Ra)

Sun Ra . was an innovative jazz composer, bandleader, piano and synthesizer player, poet and philosopher known for his “cosmic philosophy”, musical compositions and performances.

He abandoned his birth name and took on the name and persona of Sun Ra (Ra being the ancient Egyptian god of the Sun). Claiming that he was of the “Angel Race” and not from Earth, but from Saturn, Sun Ra developed a complicated persona of “cosmic” philosophies and lyrical poetry that made him a pioneer of Afrofuturism as he preached “awareness” and peace above all.

He led The Arkestra (a deliberate mis-spelling of “orchestra”), an ensemble with an ever-changing lineup and name (it was also called “The Solar Myth Arkestra,” the “Blue Universe Arkestra,” “The Jet Set Omniverse Arkestra,” and many other permutations; Sun Ra asserted that the ever-changing name of his ensemble reflected the ever-changing nature of his music.)

A prolific recording artist and frequent live performer, Sun Ra’s music ranged from keyboard solos to big bands of 30-odd musicians; his music touched on virtually the entire history of jazz, from ragtime to swing music, from bebop to free jazz; he was also a pioneer of electronic music, space music[2] and free improvisation, and was one of the first musicians, regardless of genre, to make extensive use of electronic keyboards.

In 1972, San Francisco public TV station KQED producer John Coney, producer Jim Newman, and screen writer Joshua Smith worked with Sun Ra to produce a 30 minute part fiction, part documentary film, entitled “Space is the Place”, featuring Sun Ra’s Arkestra and filmed in Golden Gate Park. It is said that in preparation of making this film, Sun Ra studied The Urantia Book.


Stevie Ray Vaughan (1954-1990)

From:Stevie Ray Vaughan: Caught In The Crossfire by Joe Nick Patoski and Bill Crawford, p. 86.
“She eventually let him move in with her and her roommate, Mary Beth Greenwood, a budding photographer who was dating the jazz-rock guitarist Eric Johnson. In the afternoon, the three of them hung out in Zilker Park, went swimming at Barton Springs or Lake Travis, cruised the streets, talked about things spiritual and material. Stevie often brought along the book of Urantia and read Lindi passages from the strange publication that mixed science fiction and pop psychology.”

Ted Lanier, owner of Whole Life Books in Austin, TX, gives this first-hand experience:

“I first saw SRV in the late 70′ early 80’s, long before he became so popular, at a place called the Pearl Street Co-op. It was, and perhaps still is, a co-operative housing unit for University of Texas students. It probably housed less than fifty people and only about 10 people were in the audience for SRV. All I remember is “boy he sure could play fast.” “At the time, his older brother, Jimmy, was in a group called the Fabulous Thunderbirds and was more well known and popular.”

“Years later my wife and I co-founded a nonprofit spiritual and metaphysical bookstore called Whole Life Books. It just happened to be in the same shopping center as Heart of Texas Music where SRV and many other famous and locally famous musicians would come by from time to time.

“One morning in “86 or “87, SRV walked into the store. He looked like he just stepped out of the shower. He asked if we had The Urantia Book. I showed it to him and also the Concordex To The Urantia Book. We have comfortable chairs and he made himself at home. Since we have famous people in Austin all the time, myself and our staff all agree to just leave them basically alone but make ourselves available for help and questions, just as we would anyone else. He ended up buying The Urantia Book, the Concordex, a thesaurus, and a dictionary. He was really serious about getting into it. He came in the store from time to time up to the time of his death.”

From www.legacyrecordings.com/Stevie-Ray-Vaughan.aspx:

“With his astonishingly accomplished guitar playing, Stevie Ray Vaughan ignited the blues revival of the ’80s. Vaughan drew equally from bluesmen like Albert King, Otis Rush, and Muddy Waters and rock & roll players like Jimi Hendrix and Lonnie Mack, as well as the stray jazz guitarist like Kenny Burrell, developing a uniquely eclectic and fiery style that sounded like no other guitarist, regardless of genre. Vaughan bridged the gap between blues and rock like no other artist had since the late ’60s. For the next seven years, Stevie Ray was the leading light in American blues, consistently selling out concerts while his albums regularly went gold. His tragic death in 1990 only emphasized his influence in blues and American rock & roll.”

From Wikipedia:
“In 2003, Rolling Stone magazine ranked Stevie Ray Vaughan #7 in their list of the 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time, and Classic Rock Magazine ranked him #3 in their list of the 100 Wildest Guitar Heroes in 2007. He was the younger brother of Jimmie Vaughan [of the Fabulous Thunderbirds], born 1951.”

Grammy Awards:
1985 Best Traditional Blues Album for Blues Explosion (various artists)
1990 Best Contemporary Blues Album for In Step (Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble)
1991 Best Contemporary Blues Album for Family Style (Stevie Ray Vaughan and Jimmie Vaughan)
Best Rock Instrumental Performance for “D/FW” (Stevie Ray Vaughan and Jimmie Vaughan)
1993 Best Contemporary Blues Album for The Sky Is Crying (Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double
Best Rock Instrumental Performance for “Little Wing” (Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double


Gustav Likan (1912-1998)
Artist and Professor of Art

Michael Likan, the only son of Gustav Likan assembled this portrait of his father, composed of Gustav Likan’s paintings. Gustav was born 01 May 1912 in Srb, Lika, Croatia. He was known as the Father of Acrylics. His education includes the lst Real Gymnasium, in Zagreb, Croatia, with a diploma in 1926. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts of Munich, Germany, Paris, France, Rome, Italy, and Hague, Netherland from 1930 to 1937 with a specialty in artistic painting. He became a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, Bavaria, In 1950 he began a two year commission for Eva Peron, painting murals in all the Argentina schools. He became a professor at the Chicago Institute of the Fine Arts. It was during this time in Chicago that he and his wife became very interested in The Urantia Book. On Jesus’ Birthday, 21 August 1962, Mr and Mrs Likan presented a beautiful portrait of Dr. William S Sadler to the Urantia Brotherhood. In 1963 he painted an “American Tragedy” depicting the Kennedy family in mourning. In 1969 he moved to Austin, Texas. His paintings are in museums and galleries throughout Europe and the Americas. He published an autobiography, The Life and Times of Gustav Likan, in 1993. He died on 20 Oct 1998 in Austin, Texas.

Link to art gallery

In Memoriam
On Sunday, October 18, painter Gustav Likan passed away. Likan was an artist of international reputation, whose career took him from his native Yugoslavia to the Argentina of Eva Peron, for whom he painted murals, to Chicago, where he taught at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts and where his lushly colored canvases earned him the title “father of acrylics,” to Austin, where he and his wife Barbara moved after hearing it praised by none other than Madalyn Murray O’Hair. (They met during a vacation to Mexico in 1969.) But despite a prominent career outside this area, Likan’s impact on the Austin arts scene may be best measured by the 11 years he taught art at Laguna Gloria Art Museum. He served as an influence on hundreds of local artists and art lovers, inspiring them with his love of and flair for bold, vivid hues. Though he left teaching behind almost 20 years ago, Likan continued to paint until the day he died. He spent part of Sunday at work on a canvas in his West Lake Hills home. Cause of death was unknown at press time. Likan was 88 years old.


Robert Venosa (1936-2011)

Robert Venosa (January 21, 1936 – August 9, 2011) was an American artist residing in Boulder, Colorado, USA. He studied with what are termed the New Masters. His artworks reside in collections around the world.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Venosa

“In having the blessing of The Urantia Book enter my world back in 1968, I was transported into a realm of transcendent consciousness that elevated every concept I held about the universal mysteries and my own reasons for existence. Upon reading the book, I was soon to be shaken to my core and awakened to my higher self through visitations that can only be described as celestial and/or angelic, which directed me to pick up the paintbrush and begin to channel and manifest the forms and colors that would provide glimpses of other-worldly architecture and celestial beings. That was 40 years ago, and I am still deeply inspired to continue the elusive pursuit of giving shape to the formless and definition to the indescribable. Along the way, The Urantia Book and its high-velocity intelligence, wisdom and spirit-enhancement, has been a source of unending inspiration for my art, my life, and my ultimate goal of passing through infinity and basking in the light and presence of our Divine Source and Center.” Robert Venosa

Robert Venosa is internationally recognized as one of the outstanding masters of “Fantastic” art. (http://www.venosa.com/)

Born in New York City, Venosa was transported into the world of fine art in the late 60’s after having experimented with psychedelics and having seen the work of the Fantastic Realists – Ernst Fuchs and Mati Klarwein in particular – both of whom he eventually met and studied under. Of his apprenticeship with Klarwein, Venosa says, “What a time (Autumn, 1970) that turned out to be! Not only did I get started in proper technique, but at various times I had Jimi Hendrix, Miles Davis, Jackie Kennedy and the good doctor Tim Leary himself peering over my shoulder to see what I was up to.” Venosa moved to Europe in the early 70’s settling in the celebrated Mediterranean village of Cadaques in Spain, where he got to know Salvador Dali.

In 1971 Venosa was asked to design the ABRAXAS album cover – which he did in collaboration with Mati Klarwein – as well as the SANTANA lettering, which, besides winning numerous design awards, has become one of the most recognized logos worldwide. In all, Venosa has designed more than 50 album covers for a number of labels, including CBS/Columbia, Blue Note, and Mercury, among others.

The transcendent, otherworldly quality of Venosa’s art fits perfectly into the Sci-Fi genre of film design. Dune, Fire in The Sky, and Race For Atlantis are three movies for which Venosa has created his unique style of conceptual design. Race For Atlantis is an animatronic, 3-D adventure projected onto an 85-foot screen in a custombuilt theater at Ceaser’s Palace in Las Vegas.

Presently Venosa maintains studios in both Boulder, Colorado, and Cadaques. He also devotes a few weeks each year giving workshops at such institutes as Naropa in Boulder, Skyros Institute on the island of Skyros in Greece, and Esalen at Big Sur, California.

The Fantastic Realism art of Robert Venosa has been exhibited worldwide and is represented in major collections, including those of noted museums, rock stars and European aristocracy. In addition to painting, sculpting and film design, he has recently added computer art to his creative menu. His work has been the subject of three books, as well as being featured in numerous publications – most notably OMNI magazine – and on a number of CD covers, including those of Santana and Kitaro.

Quotes about Venosa’s work notable individuals:

“Bravo Venosa! Dali is pleased to see spiritual madness painted with such a fine technique.” Salvador Dali

“Robert Venosa’s art truly captures the imprint of a spiritual force, each painting so alive, seeming to breathe, pulsate and stare back at you, challenging the viewer to also reach their highest potential.” Carlos Santana

“Robert Venosa’s imagery is a portal into the mescaline canyons of the imagination. His is an informed yet visionary grasp of the icons of the spiritual and erotic.” Terence McKenna

“My wish for the coming age is that humanity becomes once again conscious of our spiritual union with the divine works of art – inspired creations by masters such as Robert Venosa.” Dr. Albert Hofmann

These are all from UBtheNews


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