Batteries from Nuclear Waste

They will blow any energy density comparison out of the water, lasting anywhere from a decade to 28,000 years without ever needing a charge.  The nano diamond battery has the potential to totally upend the energy equation. The graphite is rich in the carbon-14 radioisotope, which undergoes beta decay into nitrogen, releasing an anti-neutrino and … Read more

Lessons from Raccoon Mountain

Ever try throttling back a nuclear power plant? Yeah right! Failing that, what would you do with the excess capacity? Engineers with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) faced these same challenges in the late 1960s. Their solution was to build TVA’s largest hydroelectric facility on the top of a mountain. What??? No really, the top … Read more


5ER is shorthand for The Fifth Epochal Revelation. This article describes five revelations to our planet that are of epochal significance. 5ER refers to The Urantia Book, published by The Urantia Foundation in 1955. Of course God is still talking. But in the wide range of revelationary literature, only one book is described by its … Read more

The Seclusion – Book Launch

In the year 2090, America has walled itself off from the rest of the world! Order The Seclusion at Amazon or browse the list of retail stores at Good Reads. Listen to the author, Jacqui Castle, discuss and read from her timely new book at the launch party in Asheville, North Carolina. This event occurred on … Read more


One thing is certain. When it comes to protecting our children, there are no easy answers. Sure, we could do a better job of flagging those that are correctly or incorrectly perceived as a danger to themselves and others. Although the powers that be would likely do so with the kind of coercive labeling that … Read more