
Tipping Sacred Cows

You have two cows . . . CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull -and build a herd of cows. AMERICAN-STYLE ANARCHO-CAPITALISM: You don’t have any cows. The bank will not lend you money to buy cows, because you don’t have any cows to put up as collateral. The price … Read more

Putting Nutrition at the Center of Development

To address the challenges related to malnutrition in Namibia, Prime Minister Nahas Angula has established the Namibia Alliance for Improved Nutrition (NAFIN), a multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder partnership aimed at ensuring that concerted, coordinated and collaborative efforts by the government and partners lead to a reduction and eventual elimination of malnutrition and improved food security in … Read more

Enjoy Some Seasonal Foods

•Pumpkin and butternut squash are incredibly rich sources of antioxidants such as Vitamins A, C, E and B-complex and minerals such as calcium, copper, potassium and phosphorus. They are mildly sweet with a great nutty flavor. Both are very versatile and can be served in sweet or savory dishes such and soups, casseroles, pies, breads, … Read more

Nutrition and Exercize ― Exercize and Nutrition

Nutrition is often an integral part of the quality of life before, during and after a cancer diagnosis. One of the best things you can do before ever being diagnosed with cancer or before treatment starts (besides maintaining a healthy weight) is consuming a diet rich in antioxidants, which are cancer-cell fighting nutrients. The best … Read more

The Right Nutrients in the Right Quantity at the Right Time

Across West Africa, families struggle to provide young children with sufficiently diversified diets composed of the nutritious foods needed to provide the essential amino acids as well as micro- and macro-nutrients required for proper growth and development. Getting the right nutrients in the right quantity is of utmost importance for children’s health and nutrition. Good … Read more

Cancer-Fighting Foods

Many of society’s most devastating diseases — cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s, to name a few — share a common denominator: faulty angiogenesis. William Li presents a new way to think about treating cancer and other diseases: anti-angiogenesis, preventing the growth of blood vessels that feed a tumor. The crucial first (and best) step: … Read more