Mental Health Policy

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: In this segment, we continue our discussion with Ramona Johnson. This time focusing on mental health in light of public policy . Among the points raised in this segment are the dynamics that play in the policy arena. There are economic considerations. For example, … Read more

I Will Not Yield

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: <<AUDIO Part 1 (Ten Seconds): The Chair recognizes, , , Senator Smith>> There was a time when, if you were to express an opinion in writing, it would likely be over your own signature. In fact, sending an unsigned letter was widely considered an … Read more

An Infinite Thread Count

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: There was a time in my life when pattern recognition consisted of little more than realizing I had repeatedly uttered the same expletive as I slammed the same toe against the same leg of the same coffee table. But when I began to develop … Read more

Corporate Personhood

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: The first time the Supreme Court apparently held that the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection clause granted constitutional protections to corporations, as well as to natural citizens, was through the 1886 Supreme Court case Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Co. A headnote issued … Read more

Communicate Communicate Communicate

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: Continuing our conversation with Ramona Johnson In this segment the salient points included the feedback we can provide, especially when it comes to bolstering self esteem by highlighting a person’s unique intrinsic value, skills that may have been minimized. On the subject of insuring … Read more


Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: Thomas Jefferson once wrote: “We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as for civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.” With each passing generation there is a renewed … Read more

The Death Cult Unmasked

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: Every once in awhile we take in a scene that speaks volumes. For example, at the height of the pandemic, passers by could write long dissertations on depraved heart indifference, as inspired by the folks filing out of church services without a mask among … Read more

Skills for the Listener

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: Continuing our discussion with Ramona Johnson In this interview segment certain key points emerged including the need for acknowledgement, affirming and prompting as when we might say “I hear you” and “tell me more.” Probing questions may provide clarification and help the speaker to … Read more

Soul Power

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: The highest expression of human freedom is to fulfill our first, best destiny. This is achieved through consecration of our individual, personal will to that of the divine, that unifying and coordinating quality of Deity. God’s will is expressed as “Be you perfect even … Read more

Sunsetting the Slave Patrols

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: As they were breaking Jim out of jail, Tom Sawyer tells Huck Finn that “Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and a body ain’t got no business doing wrong when he ain’t ignorant and knows better.” The number of videos gone viral, depicting … Read more