
Positive Qualities – Extraordinary & Humble

Who wills, can. Who tries, does. Who loves, lives. — Dragon Flight, Anne McCaffrey (1926-2011) Author This is a good example of how qualities work together for the greatest good. A person who thinks themselves extra Extraordinary will hold themselves above others. But add a good measure of Humility and they will see themselves from … Read more

Positive Qualities – Enterprising & Favored

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. — Dr. Theodor Seuss Geisel (1904-1991) Author Some qualities are primarily active (Enterprising) and others are passive (Favored) but one can admire a favorite because the apple of their eye is creative, inventive, takes the … Read more

Positive Qualities – Sapient & Metaphysical

The ancient question is still awaiting an answer: What features in our brain account for our humanity, our musical creativity, infinitely varied artifacts, subtlety of humor, sophisticated projection (in chess, politics, and business), our poetry, ecstasy, fervor, contorted morality, and elaborate rationalization? — Theodore H. Bullock (1915-2005) Neurobiologist Sapient and Metaphysical are not words we … Read more