Positive Qualities – Honorable & Disciplined

Dear Folks,
On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Boy Scout law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. — The Boy Scouts’ Oath, 1908
On my honor, I will try to serve God and my country, to help people at all times and to live by the Girl Scouts’ law. — The Girl Scouts’ Promise, 1915
We are all master manipulators when it comes to justifying our own behavior. One of the prerequisites of attaining an Honorable nature is to be honest with ourselves. That takes some Discipline.

Definitions: (1) worthy of great respect; highly regarded; estimable; (2) motivated by principles of honor with a scrupulous regard to probity, rectitude, or reputation
Synonyms: dignity, nobility, renown, spirit, upright
Quote: What is honored in a country is cultivated there. — Plato (428-348 bc) Greek Philosopher
Note: What is honored in the self is also cultivated there.
Symbol: the turtle
Definitions: (1) preparation of the mental, moral, and physical powers by instruction, self-management, and exercise; (2) the result of training; self‑control; orderly conduct
Synonyms: correct, educate, regulate
Compatible Qualities: commitment, striving

Seek freedom and become captive to your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty. — Frank Herbert (1920-1986) Chapterhouse Dune

Discipline is the bridge between thought and accomplishment . . . the bridge between inspiration and value achievement . . . the bridge between necessity and productivity. — Jim Rohn (1930-2009) American Motivational Speaker

Advice: What time of day are you the sharpest, most energetic, most clear‑headed? Are you a morning person or a late‑night person? Don’t fritter away this valuable time with mundane or routine tasks. Do the most difficult and important things at your optimum time.
• What must I do?
• What will it take?
• Who must I become?
Symbol: the yoke
Consider the Source

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