
Control Biodiversity — Control the Future of Food and Bio-fuels

Because of the insidious way in which it works, it has been sold as a relatively benign replacement for the devastating earlier dioxin-based herbicides. But a barrage of experimental data has now shown glyphosate and the GMO foods incorporating it to pose serious dangers to health. Compounding the risk is the toxicity of “inert” ingredients … Read more

Reflections on Right Sizing

“The foxes have holes, and the birds of heaven have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head,” and so it is today for many of his followers. Despite all the warnings about the snares laid by moneylenders, despite the fact that gage mort is literally translated as a pledge to … Read more

Clean Air from Dirty Fuel

When the exhaust from a typical engine is expelled, it contains a lot of unburned fuels. Besides being wasteful, the exhaust is so hot that in Oklahoma, (USA), firetrucks can not have a catalytic convertor or they may start more fires than the crews are trying to extinguish. GEET (Global Environmental Energy Technology) offers a … Read more

Sooo, We Managed to KickStart it, Now What?

The tech vertical of crowdfunding sites are like candy stores. They’re packed with new businesses that have a pressure to deliver and a willingness to experiment. Not that crowdfunding isn’t a big enough business on its own. It has also helped jump-start a small secondary industry around servicing crowdfunded projects. There are crowdfunding-specific PR companies, … Read more

Gardens in Space

Sustaining Life with micro-algae and flat panel reactors. This is where so-called life-sustaining circulatory systems come into play. Already, on the International Space Station (ISS), researchers have started reconstituting all kinds of things. But the ISS has it easy: it’s relatively close to Earth. Several times a year it receives fresh provisions of food and … Read more

Precision Irrigation in sub-Saharan Africa

Large, centralized irrigation schemes, often built around big water storage dams, were a major component of the Green Revolution that helped boost food production and reduce famine risks for millions of people, especially in Asia. But they have often proven environmentally destructive and, especially in Africa, expensive. By contrast, decentralized irrigation – small individual systems … Read more

The Wind at Our Back Gusts from 73.6GW in 2006 to 280.6GW in 2012

According to a new report, Wind Power – Global Market Size, Turbine Market Share, Installation Prices, Regulations and Investment Analysis to 2020, by research firm GlobalData, installed capacity increased at a compound annual growth rate of 25%. This translates into to a jump from 73.6GW in 2006 to 280.6GW in 2012. There was a 7%, … Read more

Open-Source, Software-Defined Radio Platform

Nuand has employed Lime Microsystems’ programmable RF silicon for its bladeRF, which – the two companies say – takes open-source RF hardware into the mainstream Lime’s field programmable RF chip, the LMS6002D, has been adopted for Nuand’s bladeRF, a Kickstarter-funded open source software defined radio. Following Myriad RF and Fairwaves, this is the third open … Read more

3D-printed Aston Martin

Aston Martin only made about 1,200 DB4 cars back in the day, and today some versions can fetch millions at auction. Ivan Sentch of New Zealand has printed about three-quarters of the mold parts for his handmade Aston Martin DB4. The resident of Auckland, New Zealand, has printed nearly three-quarters of the sections for his … Read more