
The Distended Belly of Government

Low fat religion spawned legions of processed foods, products with ramped up levels of sugar, and equally dubious sweet substitutes, to compensate for the inevitable loss of taste when fat is removed. The anti-saturated fat dogma gave manufacturers the perfect excuse to wean us off real foods that had sustained us for centuries, now portrayed … Read more

Microbial Armies Battle Infection

At almost any supermarket, you can pick up both antibacterial soap and probiotic yogurt during the same shopping trip. In a recent study, published on March 12 in the journal Cell Host & Microbe, researchers found that beneficial gut bacteria were necessary for the development of innate immune cells—specialized types of white blood cells that … Read more

Food Connections

Growing Food Connections Launches a Website to Train Communities in Food Systems Planning. With information on continuing education, doctoral programs in food systems planning and policy at Ohio State University and University at Buffalo and student internship opportunities, the website also supports Growing Food Connections’ goal to develop an educational framework for the next generation … Read more

DIY Seed Starting Kits

Learn how to make biodegradable seed starting kits out of newspaper. Consider the Source  Consider the First Source! In the beginning was the Word, and the Word choreographed an assembly of amino acids into an exquisite array of specific proteins. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole … Read more

Food Fraud – 101

On the issue of pink slime, it’s not as if the food industry saw the light, they just felt the heat! The main supplier of ammoniated pink slime, Beef Products, Inc., has been spiraling down. But now there’s a good chance you are eating some of the other unappetizing ingredients that simply don’t belong in … Read more


Obesity and diabetes are epidemic, and yet the only relevant fact on which relatively unambiguous data exist to support a consensus is that most of us are surely eating too much of something. In 1960, fewer than 13 percent of Americans were obese, and diabetes had been diagnosed in 1 percent. Today, the percentage of … Read more

Food Security and Drought

What are the food security implications of the ever worsening drought?   “Increasingly intense droughts in California, all of the Southwest, and even into the Midwest have everything to do with human-made climate change.” So says climatologist James Hansen, who co-authored one of the earliest studies on this subject back in 1990. The food security … Read more

Foodies Making a Difference

Here are 202 organizations that are making a difference. They are  active around the world, working to create a more sustainable, more just food system. Action Against Hunger | ACF International—Recognized as a leader in the fight against malnutrition, ACF International runs programs in over 40 countries. ActionAid — ActionAid works with poor and marginalized people to … Read more

The Most Insidious Symbioses

The United States is the world’s largest grower and consumer of genetically-modified (GM) foods. As of 2010, the United States had 66.8 million hectares of GM crops planted, covering 16.5 percent of our total agricultural area. Because GM foods are made with proteins from organisms that weren’t previously part of the food chain, GM foods … Read more

Beehive in a Jar

Have the rows of organic honey jars at the farmers market got you thinking about starting your own backyard beehive? If you live in a suburban area, you may think that starting a beehive cannot be done. However a common suburban backyard can be a perfect place for beehives if done correctly and you do … Read more