Manufacturing in the USA

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 18.6 million manufacturing jobs in January 1981 when the Conservative Messiah first took office. During the last full year of the George W. Bush administration, that number had declined to 13.4 million manufacturing jobs. Now, the current administration is blamed, by those with the attention span … Read more

Startup Scene

In the past year or so, there have been some important developments that have dramatically changed the startup landscape. First, entrepreneurs involved with startups have grown more sophisticated, experienced and creative about how they start, operate and finance a new business. These are people who have been earning their stripes and valuable experience working for … Read more

Struggling with Europe’s Highest Jobless Rate

Spanish debt has again been in the firing line on financial markets after a review for possible downgrade from credit rating agency Moody’s on Friday. It cited weak growth and hefty regional spending as key challenges for the euro zone’s fourth largest economy. Spain’s prime minister called early elections on Friday, gambling that a summer … Read more