
Positive Qualities – Sedate & Foursquare

Dear Folks: 1) Be Proactive (responsible, independent, imaginative, self-aware) 2) Begin with the end in mind (conceptualization, visualization, creation) 3) Put first things first (effective time management, start with matters of importance) 4) Think Win/Win (mutual benefit, successful, integrity, maturity) 5) Seek first to understand, then to be understood (good listener, communication) 6) Synergize (communication, … Read more

Positive Qualities – Dreaming & Knowledgeable

Dear Folks, Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality. . — Tenzing Gyatso [The Dalai Lama] (1935 – ) Does Dreaming inform Knowledge or does knowledge give substance to your dreams? Peace, Jim             DREAMING Definitions: (1) a state of mind marked by abstraction or release from common reality; reverie; (2) something … Read more

Positive Qualities – Grand & Triumphant

Dear Folks, Life is about creating yourself. — George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Author Life is a Grand adventure; one we only appreciate fleetingly as we experience our Triumphs and defeats in this mortal coil. On the other side we will look back with longing and astonishment. Peace, Jim             GRAND Definitions: (1) conceived or expressed … Read more