
Positive Qualities – Debonair & Sporting

Dear Folks, Every cask smells of the wine it contains. — Spanish Proverb Some words usually refer to men or women. Look at the qualities in the definitions of Debonair and Sporting to see that they can be lived by anyone. Peace, Jim             DEBONAIR Definitions: (1) possessing an affable manner; genial; courteous; (2) suave; … Read more

Positive Qualities – Sheltering & Self-contained

Dear Folks, As a man thinks within himself, so he is. — The Bible, Proverbs 23:7, Solomon There are some qualities society expects you to have (although, only at a minimum level) and there are qualities you strive to garner for yourself. What would you put on your personal list of essential Self-contained qualities? Would … Read more

Positive Qualities – Dynamic & Tidy

Dear Folks, We acquire virtue just like we acquire crafts, you learn to build by building. — Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) Philosopher At first blush, Dynamic and Tidy seem to be disparate qualities. But, after reading the definitions, maybe one could ‘exhibit organized power in motion” while cleaning out the refrigerator, or producing a ‘fair solution … Read more