Ag-gag — When the Law is an Ass

North Dakota, Montana and Kansas were the first to embark on what is known as Ag Gag back in 1990-91. Three more states elected to impair the First Amendment in 2012 when Iowa, Utah, and Missouri lost their independence to big-agri. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), Mercy for Animals, The American Society … Read more

Time to Change Direction?

When you simply don’t have the drive or if you feel you’re on a dead end road, it just may be time for a change. One of the best ways to get motivated is to understand our innermost desires. Some call it taking pride in a job well done. Others think of it as perfection … Read more

Positive Qualities – Genteel & Conviction

The fingers of your thoughts are molding your face ceaselessly. — Charles Reznikoff (1894-1976) American Poet One can be Genteel and yet arrogant. One can have Conviction and yet be bull-headed. The trick is to modify each quality with balancing qualities that either eliminate the possibilities of the negative or at least smooth the rough … Read more

Contrast and Compare – Saturday, December 21, 2013 (The Winter Solstice)

“All true art must help the-soul to realize it’s inner self. True art must be evidence of the happiness contentment and purity of its authors.” — Ghandi (1869-1948) “Any scientific interpretation of the material universe is valueless unless it provides due recognition for the scientist. No appreciation of art is genuine unless it accords recognition … Read more

Positive Qualities – Approving & Emerging

Your choices determine your destiny. Choose well. — Merritt Horn An Approving comment, smile, or pat on the back is the universal method of segregating good from better. We are all Emerging souls. We are growing into our new selves as we choose. Let’s help each other see the best in ourselves. Peace, Jim             … Read more

Pseudo Philanthropy

Wealthy philanthropic giving is on the rise, paralleling the rise in super-rich giving that characterized the late nineteenth century, when magnates (some called them “robber barons”) like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller established philanthropic institutions that survive today. But a large portion of the charitable deductions now claimed by America’s wealthy are for donations … Read more

DIY Built-in Roll-out Bed

While many people can find a nights comfort on a futon or even a sleeping mat typically reserved for camping/hiking, most guests prefer something a bit more inviting. Even blow up mattresses can be cumbersome when your interior walls are less than 8-feet across. In this case, a folding bed is a perfect solution for … Read more