Yours for the Striving


Logo - The Essential CurriculumWhen we align our objectives with the Divine will, when we strive for the attainment of a worthy goal, when we begin our work with a well defined plan, and when we have ability to work together with others effectively, we have already achieved the trajectory for success. For we know that “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
All service is sacred in the spiritual world. Our celestial associates appreciate our efforts because they know there is no such thing as menial work. One minor change in perspective can turn the necessary but mundane task into an exhilarating, even fascinating, experience. The key is in seeing the parts within the whole or the forest from the trees.
Good management always involves three main processes: The probative, the directive, and the perfective. These become cyclical once any initiative comes to life.
We think of the probative as the assessment phase. It involves questions such as: “Should we be doing this?” “What resources, both human and material, can be brought to bear?” and “How can we best convey our findings to those who will be engaged in planning?”
The directive includes developing and refining plans in light of prior findings. Working even the best of plans usually involves some amount of improvisation the first time through. This is why managers are often selected on the basis of “Who’s best qualified to wing it.” They also possess a core skill set that includes an understanding of team dynamics, attention to an appropriate level of detail, and effective communications.
Perfective phasing is also known as the Virtuous Cycle. This includes a debrief, a post-mortem of sorts. “What went well?” and “What didn’t go so well” are at the top of the list for questions asked. Individual team members are encouraged to share their experiences, to reach a deeper understanding of any lessons learned, in ways that might benefit the whole team as well as those who depend upon them.
The cycle then repeats as the assessors consider the lessons learned in light of any additional and available resources that may be of value.
Whether you jump on a shovel for a living, or manage a multi-national corporation, this assess, direct, and perfect routine can help you. It applies to self-discipline just as it does to corporate governance. Self-mastery is a pre-requisite to the effective management of others.
At the Aevia Institutes of Management, we believe that developing an Appreciation for the Enduring Value of Individual Advancement (AEVIA) also benefits the organization, the nation, and the world. That’s why our management curriculum has an initial focus on such basic skills as managing your time. Your first step in the successful pursuit of a management career begins here:

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