Definitions: (1) any unusual, seemingly inexplicable, or extraordinary power or influence; (2) mysteriously impressive; beautiful <The sight of the Grand Canyon is magical.>
• Logic gives you what you need; magic gives you what you want. — Thomas “Tom” Eugene Robbins (1936-) Even Cowgirls Get the Blues {1976}
• Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. — Arthur Charles Clarke (1917-2008) British science fiction author
• What they say in Alcoholics Anonymous is that you cannot stop drinking. Everybody who ends up in AA has tried every way they know to stop drinking. The only way you can stop drinking is by turning things over to a power greater than yourself. You have to determine what that power greater than yourself is. Some people say it’s a redwood tree they found in the forest when they were out walking and looking for inspiration. Some people say it’s God. Some people say it’s the stars. Every type of person who has had most of their brain cells burned out still gets sober through some magical thing. So, for me, I would say, it was magic. — Joe Burull (1947-2021) American photographer & bar tender
Comment: At least some kinds of magic are connected with generosity. Consider the incident with the loaves and fishes. Jesus was compelled by compassion and generosity to feed the assembled people. The multitudes didn’t exactly take things in the spirit given. They said, “Great, something for nothing, a free lunch.”
From the outside, magic looks like something is happening that cannot happen. Magicians are revered because they seem to have more power and therefore more freedom and control.
You may not have the resources to create loaves and fishes but you do have the resources to do something. You do have the power and freedom to be sympathetic or empathetic. You can be giving and sharing. Abundance is available to everyone.
Goal: The goals of magic in the pre-scientific age were the same as those of science: to predict the future and to influence the environment.
Symbols: 1) a net; 2) pansies; 3) the wand; 4) the whistle; 5) the right hand; 6) frangipani flowers; 7) abnormal objects or persons
Legendary Figure: Merlin, the enchanter in the King Arthur legends