
Positive Qualities – Compelling & Robust

Dear Folks, • Be willing to face life squarely. • Realize that every problem impacts growth to the degree that it is attempted to be solved. — Steps Toward Inner Peace, Peace Pilgrim Many things are Compelling: monetary or emotional security, Robust health, natural beauty, elegant truth, personal goodness. These appeal to us because they … Read more

Less Than Half in USA Look at Restaurant Nutrition Facts

Even as more U.S. restaurants list nutritional information on their menus, less than half of Americans, 43%, say they pay a “great deal” or a “fair amount” of attention to it. Americans are much more likely to take note of nutritional labels on food packages, with 68% saying they pay at least a fair amount … Read more

Tackling Malnutrition in Rural Ethiopia

Not long ago, it was common for children under the age of 5 to receive treatment for severe malnutrition in this Ethiopian community. Today, a community-based nutrition programme is keeping children strong and healthy, and families resilient. Weighing children monthly is one of the pillars of the Ethiopian Ministry of Health’s Community Based Nutrition Programme … Read more

Companies With Some Products Containing No GMOs

Here is a list of companies who make many or even the majority of all their products without GMOs. This list is provided courtesy of the Non-GMO Project. 365 479 Degrees A. Vogel Adams Vegetable Oils Agrana Agricor Inc. Ah!Laska Alexia Alter Ego Alverado Street Bakery Amande Amelia Among Friend’s Amy’s Kitchen Andalou Naturals Angie’s … Read more

Target’s New Wellness Brand

Target’s Simply Balanced collection will eliminate all GMOs by the end of 2014. Simply Balanced products currently exclude 105 common food additive ingredients, and the vast majority of the items within the collection are made without GMOs. The collection is crafted to be free of artificial flavors, colors and preservatives, and avoids high fructose corn … Read more

Ending Malnutrition or Sustaining Neo-Colonialism?

Before the latest G8 meeting at the start of June, several summits aimed at addressing the prevalence of malnutrition were held in London, culminating in the signing of the Nutrition for Growth Compact. However, agreements on a heightened role for private businesses and the use of genetically modified crops have proven to be more controversial, … Read more

Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Increase Prostate Cancer Risk

Omega-3 fatty acids have previously been linked to protective benefits against heart disease and Alzheimer’s. Now one study is showing that eating the fatty acids found in fish oils may increase the risk of prostate cancer for men. The study showed that men who consume a lot of EPA, DPA and DHA — three anti-inflammatory, … Read more

Compromised Nutrition Science

A company whose signature product is a major contributor to the obesity epidemic is involved in the credentialing of the professionals who are tasked with educating us about the epidemic. Coca-Cola isn’t the only corporate giant influencing the conversation on healthful eating habits. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the country’s largest trade association for … Read more