
Material Resources – Acrylic

Acrylic is a clear plastic that resembles glass. It also has properties that make it superior to glass in some applications. Common brands of high-grade acrylic include Polycast, Lucite and Plexiglass.There are two basic types of acrylic: extruded and cell cast. Extruded or “continuous cast” acrylic is softer, more easily scratched and the cheaper castings … Read more

Religion in the Marketplace

More investors acting on faithFaith in the investment markets is taking on a whole new meaning as religious funds and advisers are attracting money like never before. As religion enters more and more cultural touch points, from novels to films to politics, it’s rather logical that it would enter the world of finance in a … Read more

Well Duh!

AMERICA’S STRUGGLE OVER VALUESThe most striking findings are: 1) a majority of Americans across the board (74 percent) believes that America has suffered a moral decline in the past 20 years; and 2) a majority (64 percent) believes that the news and entertainment media are a major influence in that


Next generation embraces traditional valuesA new, unprecedented ethnic-mix of youths in California yearn for the traditional values of family, safe neighborhoods and religion, according to a


Hispanic values detailed in pollU.S. Hispanics view religious and political life as intertwined, often worship in ethnic congregations and embrace a spirit-filled, charismatic style of Christianity, a new survey

The Organic Foods Movement: Led By Multinational Corporations Or We The People?

In the past few weeks, the USDA has once again attempted to weaken the federal organics standards that so many Americans have worked hard to enshrine into federal law. These changes would have allowed food labeled as “USDA Organic” to contain hormones and antibiotics in dairy cattle, pesticides on produce and potentially contaminated fishmeal as … Read more