Water: Waste Not, Want Not

The water shortage is becoming an increasingly worrying crisis. As the situation grows ever more acute, it is feared that water will once again become a cause of disputes and that there could even be wars over water resources. Even before the State of Israel was founded, its leaders realized that in order to ensure … Read more

The Entrepreneur: Bringing Innovation to Life

As the global economy continues to evolve, scientific discovery, technological invention and commercial innovation are fast becoming the hallmarks of our socioeconomic well-being. Although, transforming science into technology can be fraught with intimidating doses of hard work and hard thinking, the hard truth of the matter is that bringing technology to the marketplace is just … Read more

Entrepreneurs Getting Younger

They’d rather strike out on their own. In fact, nearly 71 percent of the 1,474 youth who participated in a 2006 Junior Achievement survey said they wanted to be self-employed sometime in their lives—up by 6.9 percentage points since 2004. Credit the opportunities that come from growing up in a technological society, experts said. That’s … Read more

Entrepreneurship Education

Schools are adding more courses and other activities to cultivate the business ideas of budding workers who are increasingly bypassing corporate jobs for their own startups. The move to embrace this academic discipline comes as today’s college students see the business world differently than past generations. With unprecedented access to technology, students can start a … Read more

The Boomer Factor

Media reports on boomers’ march into their senior years carry a consistent theme: “Guess what, they don’t know they’re old.” Entrepreneur Magazine cites a survey from the Boomer Project (www.boomerproject.com) that found that the average 54-year-old considered himself 41. Further testing showed a psychological age of 39. Rather than believe our years are advancing, we … Read more

The Wider Focus of Microfinance

The strategy gained prominence last year when Muhammad Yunus, a Bangladeshi economist and banker who pioneered the global microfinance movement, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Grameen Bank, which Yunus founded in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in the mid 1970s, offers lines of credit as low as $9 for beggars to buy bread, candy, toys and other … Read more

Energy for Sustainability

The Energy for Sustainability program supports fundamental research and education in energy production, conversion, and storage and is focused on energy sources that are environmentally friendly and renewable. Sources of sustainable energy include sunlight, wind, and biomass. Hydrogen and alcohols are potential energy carriers that can be derived from renewable sources. Research to produce and … Read more

Let the Sun Shine In

Too much energy is wasted by converting it. We could cut energy use by as much as 30% in 10 years by removing some links from the energy chain. Sometimes the best solutions to the energy crisis are the simplest, and often they’re right in front of our eyes. Consider the use of solar power … Read more

Nanotech Batteries for Electric Cars

Advanced nanotech batteries are becoming a driving force in making electric cars that go farther and faster between charges, up to five times farther than today’s conventional batteries, and China may play a role in bringing this new technology to market. Electric car pioneer ZAP and lithium-polymer and nanotech battery developer Advanced Battery Technologies, Inc. … Read more