
Definition: up-to-date; contemporary; not old-fashioned or obsolete; recent; fresh; new; novel; with-it Quotes:• Fire made us human; fossil fuels made us modern, but now we need a new fire that makes us safe, secure, healthy, and durable. — Amory Bloch Lovins (1947-) American physicist• Even more amazing than modern technology is our opportunity to access … Read more


Definitions: (1) keeping within reasonable bounds; temperate; sober; steady; avoiding excesses and extremes; (2) mild; calm; gentle; nonviolent; (3) to lessen the intensity or severity Too Far: Being austere for too long. Saying: Meden agan (Greek); Ne quid nimis (Latin): “Nothing in excess” Dictum: Be moderate in prosperity, prudent in adversity. — Periander (~635-585 BC) … Read more


Definition: jovial; festive; full of merriment Synonyms: Mirth implies general lightness of heart and love of gaiety; glee stresses exultation shown in laughter, cries of joy or delight; hilarity suggests loud or irrepressible laughter or high-spirited boisterousness; jollity suggests exuberance or exultant playfulness. Poetry:How beautiful the water is! To me ’tis wondrous fair.No spot can … Read more


Definitions: (1) acting as a helpful instrument or means; (2) giving care or aid; service-oriented; (3) providing information <often of a spiritual nature>; (4) fulfilling a duty prescribed by law, ethics, or morality; (5) an act in obedience to objective reality Quotes:• The true character of ministry is a servant’s heart. — Harold Ashton Warner … Read more


Definition: (1)regarding with care; observant; watchful;(2) bearing in mind; heedful; attentive; aware      See also: Broad-minded, High-minded, Like-minded, Open-minded, & Service-minded Quotes: • The mind is the connecting link between the formed and the unformed world. — Catherine Ponder (1927-) The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity {1962} • The qualitative mindfulness we; collectively, as a race … Read more


Definitions: (1) soft; gently and pleasantly affecting the senses; sweet; (2) tender and gracious in temper and disposition; kind; compassionate; merciful; clement; indulgent; easy; (3) calm; tranquil; mellow; meek Quotes:• Restrain thy mind, and let mildness ever attend thy tongue. — Theognis of Megara (6th c. BC) Greek lyric poet• How far you go in … Read more


Definitions: (1) having great bodily strength or physical power; (2) very robust or vigorous; commanding; (3) wonderful; colossal; (4) important; momentous; (5) of high status <said of kings and others with the highest rank> Quotes:• Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut, that held its ground. — David Icke (1952-) English author• The world is … Read more


Definitions: (1) full of spirit; courageous; brisk; fiery; (2) possessing constitutional ardor      Note: Not to be confused with meddlesome: to interfere in the affairs of another without their permission. Derivation: a variant spelling of metal, used in a figurative sense. In the 17th-century the adjective mettlesome was popularly used as a reference for spirited … Read more


Definition: taking extreme care with minute details; precise; thorough; methodical Too Far: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Idiom: Keep all of your ducks in a row. People Who Exemplify This Quality: True friendship is like sound health, the value of which is seldom known until it be lost. — Charles Caleb Colton (1777–1832) English cleric and writer … Read more


Definition: acting in a systematic way; painstaking; meticulously careful; deliberate Compatible Quality: patience Quotes: • I studied neuroscience at the cellular level, so I was looking at learning and memory in the visual cortex of rats. Neuroscience mainly exposed me to a way of thinking – about experimentation, about what you believe to be true … Read more