Divine Definitions: (1) The cause of causes; (2) The antecedent of energy and matter; (3) The origin of personality; the I AM; (4) The ancestral spirit; (5) The progenitor of mind; (6) The font of love; (7) The heart of goodness; (8) The foremost authority and distributor of truth; (9) The basis and pattern of … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) Willing to disclose His attributes to His creatures; (2) Willing to make known His will to His creation; (3) Willing to speak of His nature to the universe; (4) The assurance and dissemination of truth as reality Quote: Divinity is creature comprehensible as truth, beauty, and goodness; correlated in personality as love, … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) Acknowledging the self-evident fact of His own Divinity; autotheistic; (2) Aware of His own existence; self-realizing; (3) Aware of His own personality and individuality; self-knowing; (4) Sensitive to His own mind; self-possessed; (5) Cognizant of His own actions; self-accepting; (6) Conscious of His own attributes and character; self-respecting Comment: No quality or … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) The first; the original Being; (2) Not deriving from something or someone else; authentic; (3) The ruling authority; (4) The most important one; standing alone; prominent; (5) The highest and best value; premier; (6) The source; the beginning; the first cause; (7) The one who prepares the stage; (8) Unspoiled; pristine; beautiful … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) The original conscious, volitional being; (2) The source and destiny of all subsequent personalities; omnipersonal; (3) The being who is designing, deciding, and directing creation; (4) Agreeable; good-natured; friendly Comment: Personality is not simply an attribute of God; it is the co-ordination of a unified will, an infinite nature, and His universally … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) The discernible, coherent design upon which to base the total system; (2) The original arrangement and example of form; (3) The primary, discrete set of priorities from which all things are derived; (4) The fundamental model for all subsequent reality; (5) The physical, personal, mindal, and spiritual guide showing the way; (6) … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) The singular preeminent Being; (2) Individual autonomy; distinct; (3) Exclusively what He Is; unique; unequaled; (4) Indissoluble and indivisible; whole; (5) The zenith; incomparable; matchless; paramount; peerless Comment: The human idea of One God evolved first out of fear of the unknown, through reverence for the ghost spirits of the dead, then … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) Able to comprehend all deep and diverse reality; all-knowing; prescient; (2) Capable of beholding everything; (3) Able to see from every perspective all at once, omnispective; (4) Able to hear all needs and respond to all thoughts; (5) Possessing an infinite mind; intelligent; logical; rational; incisive; (6) Aware of all things and … Read more


DIVINE definitions: (1) Located anywhere and everywhere at all times; ever-present; (2) Omnitemporal; (3) Serving within creation; ubiquitous; (4) Having infinite range; far-reaching; far-flung; boundless Comment: All of the Omni’s work together to hold all things and beings within the divine plan. God has to be everywhere (omnipresent) so His all-powerfulness (omnipotence) can work with … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) Possessing unlimited power; almighty; (2) Containing all actuals and potentials; (3) Having infinite authority and influence; (4) Maintaining total control; invincible; invulnerable; irrepressible; (5) Able and competent to act with perfect correctness; (6) Vigorous; lively Comment: God’s power was the first great quality man understood – and feared. With the addition of … Read more