
Definitions: (1) the fact of being aware; perceptive; (2) knowledgeable of something <especially through personal experience>; (3) the range of comprehension possible through examination; able to notice and retain such observation Synonym: mindful Familial Qualities: aware, conscious Quotes:• Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel … Read more


Definitions: (1) having a powerful appeal to the mind; convincing; (2) a sound argument presented with lucidity and, often, telling evidence; 3) compelling serious attention; pertinent; 4) a valid use of logic; 5) common sense made relevant and meaningful to an audience Compatible Qualities: compassionate, listening, logical Quotes:• There are proofs that date back to the Greeks that are still valid today. — Sir … Read more


Definition: gradual or continuous progress; rising; ascending Quotes:• The summit is what drives us, but the climb itself is what matters. — Conrad Anker (1962-) American mountaineer• It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it’s the pebble in your shoe. — Muhammad Ali [born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. (1942–2016) American boxer and … Read more


Definitions: (1) mentally sharp and resourceful; quick-witted; astute; bright; scintillating; (2) skillful or adroit in using the hands or body; nimble; dexterous; talented; (3) something ingeniously or expertly made, said, or done Parental Qualities: courage, curiosity Quotes:• Here we stand in the middle of this new world with our primitive brain, attuned to the simple cave life, with terrific forces at … Read more


Definitions: (1) mild in temper and disposition; tender; compassionate; (2) inclined to be merciful; kind; (3) able to control oneself when provoked; forbearing People Who Exemplify This Quality: Jesus during his sham trial and execution. Quotes:• Nothing in human nature is so God-like as the disposition to do good to our fellow-creatures. — Samuel Richardson (1689–1761) English writer• Let us … Read more


Definitions: (1) having the power of perceiving or comprehending quickly; discriminating <a clear intellect>; not confused or dull; (2) easily seen or comprehended <of your statements by others>; easily understandable; perspicuous; distinct; lucid; clear-sighted; open-eyed; (3) free from obscurity <of others communications to you>; evident; manifest; indisputable; undeniable; (4) free from emotional perturbations; undisturbed; unruffled; … Read more


Definitions: (1) pure and flawless; clear of imperfection or defect; (2) shapely; well-proportioned; clean-limbed; lithe; (3) not awkward, clumsy, or bungling; dexterous; adroit; deft; skillful; (4) without limitation or modifying quality; entire; complete; thorough; (5) free from moral corruption, guilt, or blame; innocent; clean‑minded Synonyms:  kempt, purified, sinless, spick-and-span, spotless, unpolluted, unsullied, untarnished Dictum: Cleanliness is, indeed, next to Godliness. — John Wesley (1703-1791) English theologian … Read more


Definitions: (1) first-class <especially in style or manner>; elegant; (2) having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior; (3) admirably skillful or graceful; fine Quotes:• I have become convinced that everything that is classy doesn’t go away. — William West Anderson [aka: Adam West] (1928–2017) American actor• Show class, have pride, and display character. If you do, winning takes care … Read more


Definitions: (1) possessing the paranormal power of seeing objects or actions beyond the range of normal vision <especially the future or events happening in different locations>; (2) having quick, intuitive knowledge of things and people; sagacity Derivation: French, “to see clearly” Quotes:• Men do not believe what they cannot see, and they will not believe … Read more


Definitions: (1) refinement of thought, etiquette, or taste; (2) educated; (3) cultured or courteous social conduct Quotes:• Human dignity is the keystone of any civilization. — Clifford D. Simak (1904-1988) City {1952}• The most necessary task of civilization is to teach men how to think. — Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) American inventor How to Live … Read more